One of the Queen's most trusted employees couldn't be better placed to pull a light-hearted April Fool's prank - leaving the pair in stitches.
Angela Kelly held the prestigious role of the Queen's dresser since 2002 and has been working for the Royal Family for more than 25 years.
Angela released a book titled The Other Side of the Coin: The Queen, the Dresser and the Wardrobe which included one hilarious anecdote about an April Fools’ day gag the dresser pulled back in 2006, MyLondon reports.
She seized her opportunity for some mischief as April Fool's Day approached while on a royal tour in Australia.
With the Queen excited to see the iconic Kookaburra bird, Kelly purchased a soft toy Kookaburra and placed in it a birdcage on the balcony outside the royal suite in Governor's House.
The Queen caught a glimpse of the exotic bird and Kelly recalled that the Queen looked outside shouting "It's a Kookaburra!"

Angela said: “I went to open the cage and she said loudly, ‘No! Don’t do that! It will fly away!’
"Turning to her Majesty while trying to keep a straight face, I solemnly told her it was dead.
"She looked horrified as I walked towards her with outstretched arms and as she took the bird from my hands, she realised I had been winding her up."

However, the Queen was prepared with a retort of her own that apparently left the dresser in fits of laughter.
Kelly added: "'April Fool!' I said with a mischievous grin, and she only had two words for me, 'You're sacked!'
"I was laughing uncontrollably as Her Majesty turned to His Royal Highness and said 'Do you know what she has just done to me? Angela has had me!'"

Angela, who is originally from Liverpool, detailed her boss's quit wit in the account.
She said: “We have a lot of fun together...The Queen has a wicked sense of humour and is a great mimic...She can do all accents - including mine."