The Queen's team of female dressers, the man responsible for stoking Her Majesty’s fires and a gardener are among royal workers whose jobs are under threat.
Around 20 staff were written to by Sir Michael Stevens, Keeper of the Privy Purse, before Monday’s state funeral, leaving them fearful for their jobs. They had meetings yesterday with their union.
The letter said consultations will be held and they will be supported.
It added: “It is anticipated only a very small minority of employees (fewer than 20) who provided personal services to Her Majesty will see their posts affected.”
But Mark Serwotka, boss of the Public and Commercial Services Union, said: “Our members are disappointed. They worked for the Queen for years and feel let down by the decision to let them go.”

But Angela Kelly, 64, the Queen’s stylist and hairdresser, reportedly can use of her grace-and-favour home until her death.
It was disclosed last week up to 100 employees at the King’s former official residence, Clarence House, could lose their jobs.