Swift action has been taken against two senior staff members at Queensland's forensic lab as work continues to retest thousands of DNA samples that were initially overlooked.
An interim report handed down on Tuesday exposed serious shortfalls that centre on a failure to test samples under a certain DNA threshold.
Some of the samples could provide partial or full DNA profiles, and Queensland police are in the process of reviewing criminal cases potentially affected between 2018 and June 2022.
It is still unclear why the threshold limits were changed.
Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk confirmed the staff members had been stood down pending the full results of an inquiry.
"This is perhaps one of the most concerning reports that our state has seen and we need to get to the bottom of it," she told reporters on Wednesday.
Ms Palaszczuk did not say why the staff members were stood down or the positions they held.
"All I know is that the Director-General has stood two people down in the forensic unit pending the outcome of the inquiry," she said.
The premier said there was no advice or evidence of ministerial involvement in decisions about threshold limits.
"We want to get to the bottom of this, we want to know who was responsible, we want justice for victims. That is paramount," Ms Palaszczuk said.
A meeting between the premier's Director-General Rachel Hunter, the police commissioner and the heads of the Justice and Health department will be held on Wednesday to act on findings in the interim report.
The Commission of Inquiry into Forensic DNA Testing in Queensland will hold public hearings from next Monday.
The full report is due in December.