All Rachelle Elise Perry ever wanted was to be a police officer.
When Perry realised her dream, she was subjected to sexual harassment, predatory behaviour and misogyny.
Harbouring a "well founded" fear that reporting harassment would damage her police career, Perry's mental health suffered.
She had been accepted into the police academy aged 19, graduating with distinction.
By 25 she was in a downward spiral, supplying drugs - mostly cocaine - while a serving officer.
Police raided her home after an investigation in Brisbane revealed Perry and her then partner were involved in the supply of drugs from February to April 2021.
"It is in fact serious offending ... however, there are some unusual circumstances in this case," Brisbane District Court Judge Deborah Richards said.
Perry became "somewhat of a poster girl" after graduating from the academy, used to promote female police recruitment, defence barrister Saul Holt said.
However, Perry was sexually harassed by a colleague at her first posting to Cairns.
She was encouraged to report it by a male mentor in the force but chose not to because she feared it would damage her career.
"A fear that in my view was well founded," said Judge Richards, who headed a 2022 domestic violence inquiry into Queensland Police which revealed a "culture of fear and silence".
Judge Richards also noted that one of Perry's references was from a police officer who talked about the lack of mental health care within the force.
Perry was again targeted when posted at remote communities.
"She was subjected to sexual harassment ... and misogynistic behaviour on a regular basis," Mr Holt said.
"The unwanted attention took a toll on her wellbeing and her love for the job diminished which was a shame because that's all she ever wanted to be."
Perry did receive counselling in the force but it was "less than ideal", Judge Richards noted.
Perry returned to Brisbane, starting a relationship with a man she did not know was a drug user and who became "quite controlling and violent towards her".
She began using and supplying drugs, including at one stage $1700 of cocaine for an acquaintance.
Among her string of offences, Perry was charged with accessing the police database on duty to conduct a private check for an associate, stealing two drug test kits and possessing a handgun.
Perry has since "climbed yourself out of what was a pretty big ditch you dug yourself into", Judge Richards said.
Diagnosed with ADHD and anxiety, Perry has since undergone drug and alcohol courses as well as counselling.
Perry, 27, pleaded guilty to a string of charges including 12 counts of supplying drugs.
"You unfortunately lost the career that was the one that you wanted all your life and you won't get that back," Judge Richards said.
"It's impressive the efforts that you have made to turn your life around."
Perry was on Tuesday sentenced to two-and-a-half years in jail and granted immediate parole.
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