Bills to legalise the personal use of cannabis will be introduced in three Australian states.
The Legalise Cannabis Party will introduce proposed legislation into the upper houses of the NSW, Victoria and WA parliaments to legalise the personal possession and use of cannabis for adults.
Legalise Cannabis NSW MP Jeremy Buckingham confirmed draft laws would be introduced into the three parliaments simultaneously on Tuesday.
"This is the first modest and responsible step towards cannabis legalisation in Australia," he told AAP in a statement.
"The Legalise Cannabis Party bills will make it legal for adults to possess and share cannabis and for a household to grow up to six plants," he said.
"Prohibition has failed, cost taxpayers billions, choked our courts unnecessarily.
"It's now time for sensible and responsible cannabis law reform, which the majority of Australians now support."
In 2020 the ACT became the only jurisdiction to decriminalise the personal use of cannabis, allowing adults to grow up to two cannabis plants per person and four per each household.
The legislation is unlikely to be debated until later in the year.