Used buses are usually cheap, making them increasingly popular with people who want to convert them into motorhomes. It was the perfect platform for Franko, who wished to have a posh camper conversion fit for a rockstar.
Openness is a theme throughout the space, with nothing blocking the big windows. There aren’t even overhead cabinets in the kitchen. In the bathroom, an angled mirror reflects the view outside, making the small space feel much larger than it actually is. It’s a neat optical trick. It has a full-size sink and a composting toilet. The shower room is separate, across the hall, and in its own space.
The main bedroom is at the back of the bus, which is large enough for a queen-size bed. While the engine is at the back, there’s still enough room for storage underneath the bed. The bus also features two kid-sized bunks in the hallway and additional storage space.
A pair of long couches at the front of the bus face each other, making them perfect for entertaining in the motorhome. They can also convert and combine into one large bed. Franko, a musician, hid speakers, extra storage space, and other equipment under them, not letting the area go to waste.
The kitchen is small but functional, with a deep-basic sink, a three-burner cooktop, and a stove. It has a fridge, freezer, and wood drawers underneath the counter, which feature copper handles made from scrap from the bus. Across from it is a long, narrow bar for eating or working on a laptop.
A rooftop deck shares the space with three large solar panels, which would be pretty noticeable on most outfits. However, the purple exterior is quite loud compared to the clean interior. One neat feature is the wood branches that accent the space, adding a darker color to the aesthetic.
The camper has nearly all the amenities one could want on the road away from home and looks quite inviting. The project cost Franko about NZD 100,000 ($62,000 at today’s exchange rates), and is another example at how versatile the space is on a bus. It seems like almost anything is possible.