Everyone has a doubleganger - but it isn't always another human.
A puppy has left people in stitches over her resemblance to Boris Johnson when he's had a bit too much to drink.
Mr Johnson resigned as Conservative leader last Thursday stating he will step down as Prime Minister when a new leader is found.
He was hit with more than 50 resignation letters - including from the new Education Secretary, Cabinet ministers, as well as aides and moderates to Red Wallers.
But Boris Johnson isn't the only one who has got people talking as puppy, Turanga Leela, has been receiving her share of attention on Reddit after her owner shared her picture.
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Owner Subo Wijeyeratne wrote: "My new pup looks like a drunk Boris Johnson. Reddit - meet Turanga Leela."
Named after the cyclopes character from the animated television series Futurama, Turanga Leela lives with Subo and his two other dogs in Japan.
The pekinese maltese cross has been described as a "super energetic" girl who is "very affectionate and really rather demanding".
Subo told the Mirror: "She insists that everyone is her friend."
Commenting on the pooch's appearance, one user said: "At least your dog doesn't use his fur to cover up the fact he's going bald."
Another user questioned: "Which one's which?", while another added: "You meant your dog Boretta Johndaughter?"
A fourth user said: "Boris Johnson looks like the morning after."
Another user said: "More like Boris Johnson looks like a drunk Turanga Leela."
It comes after owner Thomas Green, 28, recently made the realisation that his dog looks like Will Ferrell.
He shared his dog's picture on Twitter after a friend pointed out that the unlikely duo looked alike, and tweeted: “Someone said my dog looks like Will Ferrell and I can’t unsee it now.”
The post quickly went viral racking up more than 260,000 likes - and prompted people to share snaps of their own dogs' celebrity look-alikes.
Thomas, from Houston, Texas, told The Mirror: “It was actually a dear friend of mine who said that Layla looked like Will Ferrell.
“I just laughed a little bit and pulled up a picture and was like oh my goodness she really does. It was a really good laugh, honestly.”
However, not everybody saw the funny side to Layla’s picture with some users claiming it freaked them out.
One user said: "All the dogs with human eyes honestly freak me out.”
While another added: "This particular breed freaks me out because I always see a human face when I look at this type of dog.”
Does your dog have a celebrity lookalike? Email paige.freshwater@reachplc.com.