LUDHIANA: The Punjab assembly speaker Kultar Singh Sandhwan who visited Walipur and Gaunspur villages near Buddha Dariya has ordered a thorough study through PGI to check the impact of pollution on the air, water and soil of Gaunspur village on Wednesday.
He asked the deputy commissioner Shruti Malik to get this study done. Also, a committee of MLAs has been formed to keep check on pollution level of Satluj and Ghaggar rivers. The Ludhiana MLA from east constituency Daljit Grewal has been made its chairman.
The speaker claimed that quality of air, water and soil of this village has degraded and this study will help them in understanding the level of impact on everything.
Sandhwan had been visiting Buddha Nullah villages when he was MLA and Aam Aadmi Party had not come to the power so villagers were requesting him for a long time to visit the villages and tell about the status of Buddha Nullah rejuvenation plan and what steps government is taking to deal with the pollution.
The villagers rued that there were polluting industrial units around that were choking the environment. They complained that industrial units were throwing waste water directly either on ground or into Buddha Nullah. They demanded action on such units.