As the live orchestra begin to etch out their opening notes at Castlefield Bowl, a message beams out from the stage. “This is a night you will remember for the rest of your lives”, it reads.
For those Pulp fans who have waited some 20 long years since the band's last gig in Manchester, it’s a dead cert.
The alt rockers who rode the crest of the Britpop wave in the 1990s are back out on this reunion tour, aptly titled This is What We Do for an Encore. As the big screens further explains, an "encore is what happens because the crowd wants more".
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The crowd here in Manchester, under blissfully sunny skies, could not have wanted for any more, though, from this virtuoso performance that Pulp deliver on Tuesday night. It's part of the continuing Sounds of the City series at Castlefield Bowl this month.

From the moment the band’s talismanic frontman Jarvis Cocker emerges onto the stage, in silhouette against a giant moon, his long spindly limbs jutting out at every awkward angle, you know it’s going to be a pitch perfect blend of style and substance.
Indeed the stage artistry really impresses with its continuing changing light backdrop and stairs that allow Jarvis to twist and turn his inimitable form through Pulp's back catalogue. The band delivers in vintage style as does Jarvis - he is remarkably unchanged from the band's 90s heyday in his velvet suit, oversized glasses and floppy fringe.
Big moments are given that extra oomph too - like when colourful streamers shoot into the sky to announce the thud of Disco 2000 and the inevitable fan frenzy as the crowd bops along. There are moments too of quieter reflection when Jarvis dedicates Something Changed to Pulp's former bassist Steve Mackey, who died aged 56 in March.
Jarvis is his usual charming self, entertaining the fans with chitter chatter between songs. He reveals the band have all been to visit the new Aviva Studios just across the road earlier in the day to catch the Manchester International Festival exhibition by Yayoi Kusama.

“I’d highly recommend it”, he says of the vast inflatable artworks - before a meandering discussion about lilos. He will recommend it again three times during the show, so I think that's us told.
He offers out some chocolates at one stage, chats to fans about the posters they’ve made, he heads off for a walkabout in the crowds… He’s just the all-round perfect host and frontman.
Preparing to launch into Sorted for Es and Wizz, which he says was named after a comment from a fan about a Stone Roses gig, Jarvis says: “Manchester is a place that kind of defined the vibe of that era didn’t you?"
“This is the place where you twisted a melon. The Hacienda was at the epicentre of it all,” He then assures the crowd: “The rave is on ok.”

The orchestra on stage are used to epic, dramatic effect for This is Hardcore which is a stirring highlight of the show. They build the song’s delicious doom-laden crescendo as Jarvis stalks the bright red staircase like the villain in a David Lynch movie.
Everything is just styled to perfection across the show. An anecdote about the first times Pulp ever played in Greater Manchester (“It was 1992 at Salford university, then at the Boardwalk”) is used to ask the inevitable: "So I remember the first time, the question is do you?" Thus launching into one of the band's best known tracks, and on into the frenzy of Babies.
Things head to an almost spiritual conclusion with Sunrise, before the band return to stage for the inevitable Common People encore and a euphoric crowd of dancing joy.
But first, Jarvis decides to read out interesting facts of things that happened in history on this very day. Fans here can add seeing Pulp to that list in what was a truly memorable July 4, 2023.

I Spy
Disco 2000
Something Changed
Pink Glove
Weeds II (The Origin of the Species)
Sorted for E's and Wizz
This is Hardcore
Do You Remember The First Time?
Like a Friend
Common People
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