Aaron Rodgers genuinely seems like one of the worst people to be around. Seriously. I cannot imagine hanging out with this dude.
Just picture it: You’re sitting in a bar kicking it with Rodgers and, suddenly, he starts bringing up 9/11 theories while you’re just trying to figure out if you want to go with the local IPA or a nice lager.
The dude constantly lies. We know this. He’s done it quite literally all season long. He’s told us — and his Jets teammates, by the way! — over and over again that he’d be back this season because of some miraculous torn Achilles recovery he discovered. Wrong. He didn’t. And the Jets haphazardly waited on him and completely tanked the season.
That’s who Aaron Rodgers is, man. At his core, he’s just a guy who will say or do anything to stay in the spotlight no matter if he believes it. We’ve seen it over and over again.
Yet, somehow, despite being a public menace to just about everyone, the dude was voted by his Jets teammates as most inspirational, according to ESPN’s Adam Schefter.
Apparently, the team just loves the guy. Robert Saleh says so, anyway.
“I’ve said it a million times: He loves his teammates, and his teammates love him,” coach Robert Saleh said. “He’s so intentional with how he approaches everybody in the building. He’s very thoughtful in the way he does things, and he’s a tremendous human. He’s really well deserving of this award.”
And left tackle Duane Brown says he’s inspired by Rodgers’ diligence in his torn Achilles recovery.
“It’s inspiring, man,” left tackle Duane Brown said. “That’s one of the most difficult injuries to come back from. To see his recovery, even without being on the field, has been remarkable. And the attitude he has — I’m sure the day-to-day isn’t easy, but he doesn’t complain about it.”
That’s fascinating. Look, we don’t know what goes on behind closed doors with the Jets. Maybe Rodgers is actually a great teammate to those guys. Maybe, just because he’s a menace to everyone else, he’s pretty cool to them? Who knows!
Could this also just be another thing the Jets are doing to massage their quarterback’s ego? Sure! Maybe. I have no idea. None of us do.
Regardless, I hope he feels appreciated. Especially after costing one of his teammates a job with the farce he put on for everyone.