Mourning drinkers at a pub were able to drown their sorrows with a cut-price pint at their local boozer, with drinks costing 6p in a nod to the Queen's coronation year.
The landlord of the Entwistle Hotel, in Darwen, Lancs, reduced prices to what they would have been in 1952 - the year her majesty was crowned at Westminster Abbey.
Lucky punters arriving early were able to get a pint for just 6p for the first hour of business, the Sun reported.
The pub wrote on Facebook : “In honour of her majesty Queen Elizabeth II who sadly passed this afternoon from 10am in the morning and for the first hour all pints will be 6p which was the price of a pint in 1952 when the Queen ascended to the throne.

“From everyone here at The Entwistle we would like to express our sadness at the news of the death of Her Majesty The Queen.
“Our thoughts and sympathy are with The Royal Family at this time.”
The move went down well with the clientele, with one saying: “Lovely gesture.”
Another added: “Let’s hope folk don't get too greedy for your gesture."
Another suggested it did not stop there and ask people to pay in old currency.
They added: “You need to use pre decimal currency.

“Pay in old pennies.”
Millions are in mourning for the Queen, with a raft of events due to take place this weekend postponed or cancelled in her memory.
Among them are football matches and boxing bouts, although the Great North Run and cricket will go ahead as normal.
Earlier this week it was reported the price of a pint will need to rise to a whopping £15 to keep pubs afloat during the cost of living crisis.
Tom Stainer, the chief executive of real campaign group CAMRA, says the increase in energy prices will cause running costs at pubs to increase by 500-600%, putting an enormous amount of establishments at risk of closure.

Speaking to the Daily Star , Tom said: "How much would 500% be on a £5 pint - you’re talking ridiculous amounts of money, 15 or 20 quid for a pint.”
He said there was a “perfect storm” of factors that “will affect just about every pub out there”.
But despite prices of a pint creeping up across the country, the actual increases needed to sustain boozers in this situation are so enormous that they aren't realistically going to happen.
He added: “What you can say with surety is you can't possibly pass on these energy increases and you can't increase the pint by 500%.”
This weekend, the Daily Mirror and Sunday Mirror celebrate the life of Her Majesty the Queen with a commemorative special filled with all the key moments from Britain’s longest reigning monarch. Be sure to pick up your copy of the Daily Mirror and Sunday Mirror to get both pullouts.