Sometimes, even people you trust and think you know so well can surprise you. Sadly, in some cases, these surprises aren’t so joyous — for instance, they can come in the form of a betrayal.
And that’s what today’s main story is about — one spouse betraying the other by having a mistress and leaving the marriage. Yet, the most surprising and hurtful move of it all was not even the fact that he was leaving her. It was who he was leaving her for that crushed the woman.
More info: TikTok
Sadly, sometimes, people go on and betray those they promised to love and cherish, and they do it in hurtful ways

The story video we’re talking about today was told in a video posted by the TikTok account @toniandryanpodcast, which belongs to the hosts of the comedy podcast, Toni and Ryan. According to the description on Spotify, in this podcast, the hosts giggle at naughty jokes or dating horror stories, as well as give their opinions and recommendations on various topics.
So, today’s video is very on-brand for them. In it, one of the hosts, Ryan, reads a listener’s write-in while the other host, Toni, reacts to it. And, well, the story deserves the dramatic reactions that it suitably got from Toni.
The write-in was a story from a psychologist, who, besides giving this brief summary of the events, couldn’t give more details due to confidentiality clauses.
Simply said, a confidentiality clause prevents parties who sign it from disclosing personally identifiable information to any third party. Regarding mental health professionals, it can be called client confidentiality. This works as a requirement for the professionals to not only keep clients’ privacy by not revealing the contents of the session but also their identity and the fact they are even in therapy in the first place.
A woman who works as a psychologist had a patient who revealed that she was having an affair with a married man

Yet, there are certain situations in which the therapist is allowed to break this clause. For instance, when a client poses a serious risk to themselves or someone else or when a client is a disabled person facing abuse, to name a few. The court can also issue an order to breach confidentiality.
Since neither of these exceptions applied to the write-in for the podcast, the story itself isn’t filled with too many details, yet the shock factor remains.
The psychologist had a patient who revealed that she was sleeping with a married man and the guilt was eating her alive. And if that wasn’t enough — he was planning to leave his wife for her. This made the woman feel like a homewrecker, but, as the write-in implied, she didn’t break it off.
To the psychologist’s surprise, later that week, her husband revealed that he was leaving her for a woman who he was having an affair with. As an even bigger surprise to her, it turned out that his mistress was her patient, the same one who was sleeping with a married man!
The patient said that the guilt was eating her alive because her lover was planning to leave his wife for her, making the woman a homewrecker

Such a twist left the podcast’s host Toni flabbergasted. And she wasn’t the only one – people in the comments were, too. However, shock wasn’t the sole emotion dominant in the video.
Many people were sure that the patient knew whose husband her lover was, and by telling the psychologist about her affair, she was trying to let the woman know. Others guessed that she just simply tried to relieve herself of the guilt by indirectly telling the wife about it.
There are various reasons why married men choose to cheat on their spouses. For instance:
- They lack intimacy in their marriage;
- They want to explore their sexuality;
- They like doing the things they shouldn’t be doing or even having narcissistic tendencies;
- They are immature.
Well, no matter what the reason is, usually, the spouse ends up being hurt by this action. After all, the person they trusted betrayed them. So, just imagine how the psychologist must have felt.
Initially, the psychologist didn’t think that the affair might have something to do with her besides being trouble for her patient

In a way, netizens might not be far off with the theory about the guilt from the patient’s side. We don’t want to speculate about that woman and what led her to therapy in the first place, but the fact that she attends it suggests that she cares about her mental health. And lingering guilt can have negative effects on one’s mental health.
For example, it affects a person’s self-esteem and their relationships, and it even leads to behaviors that might be harmful to them or people around them. So, if the patient actually knew that her lover’s wife was her psychologist, it’s possible that she simply wanted to, at least partially, get rid of the guilt without needing to break things off with the married man.
And, if she didn’t know, well, it doesn’t really make things better for the psychologist, does it? Her husband, a person she trusted enough to legally commit to, is still leaving her for someone else.
So, while it leaves her with a broken heart, let’s just hope that it will be the only broken thing in the whole story. After all, ruining her career for them by breaking any confidentiality clauses wouldn’t be the most beneficial coping mechanism, would it?
She soon finds out that her husband is planning to leave her for a mistress, and it turns out that the mistress was the patient

Watch the video here:
@toniandryanpodcastIn the end, everyone got screwed! Toni and Ryan Podcast ‘Confession from a Counsellor’ 21 May 2024♬ original sound – Toni and Ryan
Internet users were shocked by the reveal, and many of them guessed that the patient must have known who the wife was and tried to warn her during a therapy session