No Man's Sky has robust PS5 Pro support at the new console's launch, going far beyond the 4K 60 FPS promise other games have been making. If you think that might be a challenge for a small team like the one at Hello Games, you'd be right.
"I spent around 4-5 months of my time spread over the last year working on the PS5 Pro support," engine programmer Martin Griffiths says on Twitter. "This was a tough gig since we are one of smallest teams releasing today and also one of only a handful of games supporting both 4K and 8K, as well as PSVR2. I am immensely proud of playing a part in this release today - hope you all enjoy!"
Broadly, Sony's promise with the PS5 Pro is that you'll no longer be forced to choose between 'quality' and 'performance' modes - you'll be able to enjoy crisp 4K images at 60 FPS thanks to a combination of increased GPU power and the new PSSR upscaling tech. No Man's Sky goes above and beyond with big upgrades to the game's PSVR 2 mode, as well as an 8K 30 FPS option for those among you still trying to justify your purchase of an 8K television. Even with the success of No Man's Sky in the past and Light No Fire on the horizon, Hello Games is still an indie studio, and those kinds of upgrades take work.
You can check out our PS5 Pro review if you're looking for more on the console, but in short, it does exactly what Sony promised. It's just that the promise may not be especially exciting to anyone but the most hardcore of tech enthusiasts and graphics snobs.