1. US 30th Anniversary Collection quick links
2. UK 30th Anniversary Collection quick links
3. Complete US stock checks
4. Complete UK stock checks
5. Live updates
The PS5 30th Anniversary Collection release date has arrived and we have seen some genuine restocks of the PS5 30th Slim, PS5 30th Anniversary DualSense, and PS5 30th Anniversary DualSense Edge products at PS Direct, and some flashes at other retailers.
However, as of 1.30pm ET I fear that may be the best of the days' stock is already done and dusted - but there's always a chance to see more, so while we slow down our moment-to-moment coverage, it's still worth checking the links on this page to roll the dice.
Today's restock was excellent news for fans who missed out on previous pre-order days as it's been pretty tough going since the PlayStation 30th Anniversary pre-orders opened, with the PS5 Slim 30th Anniversary pre-orders being particularly popular along with folks really wanting to know where to buy the PS5 30th Anniversary DualSense since too. While it's proved easy to buy a PS5 Pro by comparison, the limited edition products have been incredibly fleeting when stock has dropped since - something we saw today too.
Release day stock drops are at the whims of each retailer so unless times are stated, there's no telling exactly when and if each stock drop will happen. Whatever the case, however, my live coverage and reporting plus all the links on this page is here to help, whether you've been tracking it all day or have come to try your luck with a few retailer links later on.
Note: This live blog will now likely be unmanned from about now - 1.30pm ET / 6.30pm GMT. There might be flashes of stock appearing at retailers but we believe the proper launch day restock action has finished. Keep checking the links if you fancy a browse around though!
US 30th Anniversary Collection Quick Links
- PS5 Slim 30th Anniversary Edition Bundle: Check stock at PS Direct ($499.99)
- PS5 Slim 30th Anniversary Edition Bundle: Check stock at Walmart ($499)
- PS5 Slim 30th Anniversary Edition Bundle: Check stock at Amazon ($499.99)
- PS5 Slim 30th Anniversary Edition Bundle: Check stock at Best Buy ($499.99)
- PS5 Slim 30th Anniversary Edition Bundle: Check stock at Target ($499.99)
- 30th Anniversary DualSense: Check stock at PS Direct ($79.99)
- 30th Anniversary DualSense: Check stock at Amazon ($79.99)
- 30th Anniversary DualSense: Check stock at Walmart ($79.99)
- 30th Anniversary DualSense: Check stock at Best Buy ($79.99)
- 30th Anniversary DualSense: Check stock at Target ($79.99)
- 30th Anniversary DualSense: Check stock at GameStop ($79.99)
- 30th Anniversary DualSense: Check stock at Verizon ($79.99)
- 30th Anniversary DualSense Edge: Check stock at PS Direct ($219.99)
- PS5 Pro 30th Anniversary Edition Bundle: Check stock at PS Direct ($999.99)
- 30th Anniversary PlayStation Portal: Check stock at PS Direct ($219.99)
UK 30th Anniversary Collection Quick Links
- PS5 Slim 30th Anniversary Digital Edition: Check stock at PS Direct (£433.99)
- PS5 Slim 30th Anniversary Digital Edition: Check stock at Amazon (£429.99)
- PS5 Slim 30th Anniversary Digital Edition: Check stock at Argos (£429.99)
- PS5 Slim 30th Anniversary Digital Edition: Check stock at Very (£429.99)
- PS5 Slim 30th Anniversary Digital Edition: Check stock at EE (£439.99)
- PS5 Slim 30th Anniversary Digital Edition: Check stock at Currys
- 30th Anniversary DualSense: Check stock at PS Direct £69.99)
- 30th Anniversary DualSense: Check stock at Amazon (£69.99)
- 30th Anniversary DualSense: Check stock at Argos (£69.99)
- 30th Anniversary DualSense: Check stock at Very (£69.99)
- 30th Anniversary DualSense: Check stock at Currys (£69.99)
- 30th Anniversary DualSense: Check stock at Game (£69.99)
- 30th Anniversary DualSense Edge: Check stock at PS Direct (£219.99)
- 30th Anniversary PS5 Pro bundle: Check stock at PS Direct (£959.99)
- 30th Anniversary PlayStation Portal: Check stock at PS Direct (£219.99)
Complete US stock checks
Complete UK stock checks
Hello and welcome to our live build-up coverage to the PlayStation 30th Anniversary Collection release day!
We're here to look forward to and celebrate the collection's release date and cheer on fans who finally get their hands on the gear. But we're also here with fingers crossed that we might see some launch day stock drops or restocks at retailers who may have kept their powder dry on some inventory, or have specific release day units to sell.
It's by no means guaranteed but that's not going to stop us hoping and doing constant checks for you nonetheless./. We've got all the best and most important links to check above, and will be keeping this post as up to date as we can with restock news and links to stock itself should any pop up.

So what's all the fuss about then?
Well, back in September, along with the official announcement of the PS5 Pro, Sony revealed its pretty expansive 30th Anniversary Collection. This is a collection of limited edition PS5 hardware that's all styled in the original PS1 aesthetic and all looks excellently slick.
The grey-color stylings are perfect for igniting that nostalgia in long-term PlayStation fans and celebrating the original PlayStation made for perfect PS5 consoles and accessories.
The collections covered the PS5 Pro, PS5 Slim, DualSense, DualSense Edge, and PlayStation portal specifically, though you did get a DualSense charger in the same style with the PS5 Pro bundle - the latter only being made to the tune of 12,300 units in honor of the PS1'sd December 3 release date.
The Collection was extremely popular with plenty of hype building before pre-orders went live. When the opportunity to bag a pre-order did come for fans, it was all over in a matter of minutes, however, and many have been left disappointed since. Which is part of the reason for our live coverage starting today.

With only 12,300 units on offer, anticipation was intense and the PS5 Pro bundle barely stuck around for a few minutes when fans got past the virtual waiting room at PlayStation Direct.
The other bits of hardware soon followed suit, and all sold out pretty quickly indeed. When other retailers could release their own pre-orders two weeks later on October 10 (but only for the PS5 Slim and DualSense controller), the action was equally intense and stock flew off the virtual shelves. We have seen some fleeting restocks at retailers like Amazon and Target in the US, and Argos and Currys in the UK, but there's been nothing substantial or long-lasting.
Which brings us to today, 30th Anniversary Collection release date eve. I think that release date might well be a good bet for some stock drops or retailer restocks for the 30th Anniversary Collection. It's not guaranteed by any means, and is based largely on my own hunch and experience - there was indeed PS5 stock released on launch day after all, when few people actually expected it then - but we also have a couple of retailer-specific reasons to hold out hope. Let me explain...

Having kept tabs on the go-to and key retailers regularly since pre-orders opened, I've noticed a couple of things that might hint at release day 30th Anniversary Collection stock.
First, we have Best Buy in the US which has a greyed-out 'Coming soon' button where the buy button usually is on both its PS5 Slim and DualSense listing pages. This seems to be indicating that stock could be on its way - if something is truly unavailable at that retailer, it usually displays a button saying Currently unavailable (or something similar).
As a result, I'm hoping that means Best Buy knows something about its stock situation that we don't and might have some release day stock to share. Fingers crossed! But it's not just Best Buy which seems to be leaving potential clues.

However, I interrupt this stock and retailer analysis for a huge bit of UK news on 30th Anniversary Collection stock!
Currys has got 30th Anniversary DualSense stock live right now! It seems to be holding too - I just got one for a pal and nearly got another separately too to test it out.
Here's the link you need to bag your controller right now: PS5 30th Anniversary DualSense controller: £69.99 at Currys

Sadly, that DualSense Anniversary stock seems to have gone - but it did hang around for a good few minutes which gives me hope for the UK side of things going into tomorrow!
Such stock drops, as well as other bits on retailers' sites, help me get hopeful on both sides of the Atlantic. After Best Buy's 'coming soon' button, I also want to draw attention to the Target listing pages for the PS5 Slim and DualSense.
Both pages state the products' release date, and the fact that preorders have sold out, but follow that up with a line to 'Check back on release date'. While this could be boilerplate text for a sold out item, I'm just a bit hopeful that it means Target knows it will have release day stock to offer.
We'll be keeping particularly close tabs on the retailer's pages for both items as a result.
I'm really hoping that flurry of 30th Anniversary DualSense stock at Currys in the UK is something of an indicator of what we'll see tomorrow. However, to reiterate, we're not expecting anything, and have no official word on this. We're just going on our own experience and nous that launch days can bring stock drops with them.
We're now not that long from release day in the UK so I'm going to do some swotting up and scouting around for any other information or tidbits I can glean from seller's sites...
I'll definitely be keeping an eye peeled for stock drops at all the major retailers as the clock ticks over to midnight tonight in the UK so stay tuned!
OK we are just about one hour from release day in the UK - could we see restock action? It'd be slightly unusual for retailers to go at midnight on a release day (or a pre-order day too, as we saw in recent weeks) but it has happened before.
I distinctly remember midnight stock of the PS5 on one of its pre-order or launch or announcement days - when retailers can choose to go live, it can happen as early as the stroke of midnight.
Anyway, I'll be keeping abreast of it all for a while now as we head into the PlayStation 30th Anniversary Collection release date of November 21.

However, we do have some solid launch day news now straight from the source!
In the US, the listing page at PlayStation Direct for the PS5 Slim 30th Anniversary Editionthe PS5 DualSense Anniversary Edition and the PS5 DualSense Edge Anniversary Edition have all been updated to say "Not in stock? Please check back on Thursday 21st November from 9am PST".
For information, the PS5 Pro and the PlayStation Portal pages do not show this information.
In superb news, the UK pages for all three - the PS5 Slim, the DualSense, and the DualSense Edge - have also been updated and advise shoppers to check back "from 9am GMT"!
This is excellent news and does indeed confirm my hunch that we'd see release day stock of at least some of the 30th Anniversary Collection.
The flipside of PlayStation Direct outwardly declaring a time for the 30th Anniversary Collection restock is that everyone now knows when to descend upon the website and try to access it with all their might at the same time.
For information, PS Direct started putting people in a queue from about an hour ahead of stock dropping times on previous occasions, so the first bit of advice I can offer is to get inline and on the website, ready to go, by 8am GMT for UK shoppers, and by 8am PST for US fans.
Anyway, aside form the excitement of the confirmed PS Direct restock for launch day, the clock is about to tick over to midnight and bring the 30th Anniversary Collection's release day with it in the UK.
Will we see anything immediately? I still don't know and would probably guess that we won't at the stroke of midnight - but that still isn't going to stop me making sure either way by checking in multiple times with all the biggest retailers.
Stand by!
As somewhat expected, it remains very quiet in the UK with no retailers dropping any proper restocks in the first few minutes of release day.
However, what is disappointing is that a host of massively inflated prices have appeared on Amazon UK's listing pages for the 30th Anniversary DualSense and the PS5 Slim. I think this is a trend we'll continue to see, and on both sides of the Atlantic, sadly as scalpers know the interest will remain high and try to make a few quid on some limited edition items.

We're now comfortably over an hour into release day in the UK and there's not been a peep of proper restocks, so I reckon it's safe to leave the search until later today now.
PS Direct looks to be the best bet for UK restock action, but we're hopeful of other retailers joining the party at the same time too. Fingers crossed. If you need the best UK links for the PS5 Slim and DualSense to hand or if you're continuing your search into the night then check them out below.
UK PS5 Slim Digital Edition 30th Anniversary Edition bundle (£433.99)
Check stock at PS Direct from 9am GMT Nov 21
Check for stock at: Amazon | Argos | Very | Currys | EE Store (£539.99 bundle) | Game
UK DualSense 30th Anniversary Edition (£69.99)
Check stock at PS Direct from 9am GMT Nov 21
Check for stock at: Amazon | Argos | Currys | Very | Game
Time for a pause
There's still a while to go until release day begins in the US, so I'm going to take a pause here and pick the moment-to-moment coverage up in a few hours or so.
In the meantime, if you need the best links to do some early checking for stock in the US then here they are.
PS5 Slim Digital Edition 30th Anniversary Edition bundle ($499.99) - check stock at: PS Direct (from 9am PST Nov 21) | Best Buy | Amazon | Walmart | Target
DualSense 30th Anniversary Edition ($79.99) - check stock at: PS Direct (from 9am PST Nov 21)| Amazon | Best Buy | Walmart | GameStop | Target
DualSense Edge 30th Anniversary Edition ($219.99) - check stock at: PS Direct (from 9am PST Nov 21)
Hello! I'm back and I'm tracking all the latest PS5 30th Anniversary Collection release day stock news and restocks live, as they happen!
Good morning to folks in the UK! I'd recommend getting in position for the PS Direct restock happening "from 9am GMT" by making sure you're logged in on multiple devices and have got the right pages up and ready. We saw a queue form about an hour ahead of the start last time out so I'd assume we're going to see the same again today.
In the US, it's not quite launch day yet on the West Coast but as the clock ticks over to midnight, checking retailers for any rogue early stock drops isn't a terrible idea. Otherwise come back in a while ahead of the 9am PST stock drop at PS Direct.
I'll be keeping abreast of all the retailers too so if stock does drop then I'll see it, wherever it is! Strap in, it's nearly time again.
OK the clock has ticked onto 8am GMT in the UK and there's no immediate signs of a queue or virtual waiting room...
Stay tuned though as I'm checking them thoroughly be giving my F5 button a workout!
Still nothing in the way of queues or waiting rooms - I've just got three very normal looking listing pages right now.
I wonder if, because it's launch day, it might just be a total free for all. A switch is flicked at PlayStation Direct somewhere, all three products turn live and then its open season. It'd be unusual compared to last restocks, but those weren't launch day either which could be a key factor in any potential changes to procedure.
While we wait for PS Direct update, or form a queue, or, well, change in anyway, I have just done a quick sweep of the go-to UK retailers too and there's nothing happening yet.
Amazon's listing page is still up but the likes of Very, Argos, and Currys have not had a listing page revival or re-show yet - you get redirected every time or can't find it in searches.

It's also now release day in the US! We know that PS Direct will be going live later today (at 9am PT / 12pm ET) but I've just done another sweep of those key retailers, just in case too.
There's no action yet but there are some changes or small updates starting to happen which are raising my eyebrow.
The first is that there was talk of a restock happening at Sam's Club at midnight but it must have been so fleeting that I missed it - or there wasn't much stock to begin with.
Another change is at Amazon where you just cannot get on the DualSense's or PS5 Slim's listing pages at all. You just get the "Sorry, we couldn't find that page" dog-picture error - despite the ASIN codes being correct, etc.
Perhaps slightly more concerning is a slight change to Target's pages. Both its DualSense and PS5 Slim pages no longer have the message "Check back on release day" that I was putting a decent chunk of my hope on.
However, as quickly as retailer pages can change for the worse, or throw up errors, they can change back the other way just as quickly - I'll be keeping an eye on all these US pages throughout the early US morning and beyond so fear not as you'll be covered.
Those who did successfully pre-order any of the PS5 30th Anniversary Collection should be getting excited and positioning themselves at their front doors as of this morning too!
For those of us in the UK, payments have likely been taken and deliveries should be speeding across the UK's road network as we speak. However, I have noticed that while my payment from Amazon was taken overnight, my DualSense pre-order is slated to arrive on Saturday currently... I'm hoping this is just a glitch and it'll be adjusted this morning.
Anyway, still nothing at PS Direct in the UK right now, with all three listing pages remaining unchanged.

Back to the US briefly: I'm also seeing posts from folks on social media who managed to snag a DualSense from Verizon and Target around a couple of hours ago, so if you are on the hunt in the US now, there are two definite ports of call to check in with. Sadly I haven't been able to recreate their success or see it come into stock at either retailer.
In the UK, it's still deathly quiet and we're only 20 minutes away from the supposed PS Direct stock drop time!
I've covered a few of these so know the kind of last minute advice to give as we approach go time...
In short, make sure to do the following!
- Ensure you're signed in to your PlayStation account right now - or use these few minutes before restock time to make an account
- Have all your payment details up to date on your account and to hand (just in case)
- Be signed in on more than one device and/or browser (I have to use Firefox for PS Direct UK for some reason)
- Be quick, and don't dally!

We're now in a queue - and got straight out of it! I had a flash of a waiting line or queue when refreshing just now, but I am back in and on the listing pages, as if nothing happened.
That must mean we're real close to stock dropping - stand by and get ready!
Stock is live! Go go go!
It's time to strike on the PS5 Slim! Here is the best link right now for the PS Direct stock drop:
PS5 Slim 30th Anniversary Digital Edition bundle: £433.99 at PS Direct
We're waiting for the DualSense and DualSense Edge pages to drop, and they surely can't be far behind.
And now the controllers are live too! Here are the links once again:
PS5 30th Anniversary DualSense controller: £69.99 at PS Direct
PS5 30th Anniversary DualSense Edge controller: £219.99 at PS Direct
Immediate stock update
First, the bad news: the PS5 Slim at PS Direct has gone back to 'Currently unavailable' after about 5 minutes or so of being live. We'd keep on top of that page for now though, as orders might drop through the net, fail, or more inventory might appear.
The good news is that the DualSense and the DualSense Edge are both still in stock at the time of this update, so there's still an opportunity to bag those gorgeous-looking pads.
The PS5 Slim is back in stock!

Yup, it was worth hovering over that listing page as the PS5 Slim 30th Anniversary Edition console bundle is back in stock at PS Direct! Here's that link again:
PS5 Slim 30th Anniversary Digital Edition bundle: £433.99 at PS Direct
Away from PS Direct, I've just done some more burrowing into price history, listing pages, and more, and it does look like Amazon UK went live with the PS5 Slim 30th Anniversary Edition bundle overnight for a short amount of time. It looks to have started at around 3.45am GMT and then ended at 6.15am GMT in the first instance, and it - according to my price checker, anyway - has been on and off this morning, including recently! I still haven't seen the stock live and its permanently on my screen but, as a result of the above info, definitely keep checking that listing page!
PS5 Slim 30th Anniversary Digital Edition bundle: £429.99 at Amazon
Hmm, all three listing pages have now reverted back to 'Currently unavailable' at PS Direct which is a bad sign. However, the PS5 Slim did come back into stock briefly this morning after disappearing once so these links are definitely worth staying on and refreshing.
PS5 Slim 30th Anniversary Digital Edition bundle: £433.99 at PS Direct
PS5 30th Anniversary DualSense controller: £69.99 at PS Direct
PS5 30th Anniversary DualSense Edge controller: £219.99 at PS Direct
However, there is a bit of bad news that I noticed just after posting that last update.
All three listing pages have now removed the 'Check back from 9am GMT' message...
This feels like a deliberate move in a way, and seems to indicate that the restock has now happened and finished. I'll keep checking it but I have a bad feeling that might be it for PlayStation Direct UK.
Yup, it looks like the PS Direct UK restock is over. There have been no flashes of stock back on those listing pages, so I think we can firmly put those on the 'unlikely' pile now...
As a result, we can turn our attention to other UK retailers.
The PS5 30th Anniversary DualSense controller is in stock at target!
I've just refreshed everywhere and noticed that Target has the DualSense in stock right now! If you're an early rise in the US then now is the time to bag your new pad!
PS5 30th Anniversary DualSense controller: $79.99 at Target
Returning to the UK, it looks very quiet indeed...
Amazon UK appears to have had some action with that have a flash of Slim stock this morning, but, equally, it's offered up nothing on the DualSense front.
And the likes of Argos, Currys, Very, and well, everywhere else haven't thrown up any stock of anything as far as I can tell. Which is very disappointing indeed - I had hoped for much more action in the UK.
Attention now turns to the US

With the UK looking done and dusted already - though we'll keep checking all the links and updating this blog as necessary - and as a result, I'm going to start turning my attention to the US restock happening in a few hours, and what we could see there.
I'm about to just step away from the regular updates for a short break as we're at a bit of a lull in proceedings, but we are racing toward the 9am PST PS Direct stock drop time where I hope to see some stable stock for folks to get their hands on!
OK so, we're coming up to two hours from go-time in the US, which means it's time to start getting links bookmarked and live, and to make sure all your details are correct.
Let's start with getting you the best links to use right now...

However, there is already a temporary waiting room appearing! It's not got too long a wait to get into thankfully.
That means we're really close to go-time: these are the straight-to-PS Direct links you want to use ahead of the PS Direct restock beginning in a short while.
PS5 Slim 30th Anniversary Edition Bundle: Check stock at PS Direct from 9am PST Nov 21 ($499.99)
30th Anniversary DualSense: Check stock at PS Direct from 9am PST Nov($79.99)
30th Anniversary DualSense Edge: Check stock at PS Direct from 9am PST Nov 21 ($219.99)
I'm passed the waiting room - but nothing's changed...
OK, I am through the waiting room and into PS Direct!
However, everything is as it was - there's no early stock or anything and, just like earlier in the UK, it just seems to be a minor glitch in the matrix or just a check that you're a real human or something.
It's worth noting that I didn't have another queue when the stock did go live, so it might be that I'm just 'in' now - and you could be too if that;'s the case! Get on the links below and get in position!
PS5 Slim 30th Anniversary Edition Bundle: Check stock at PS Direct from 9am PST Nov 21 ($499.99)
30th Anniversary DualSense: Check stock at PS Direct from 9am PST Nov ($79.99)
30th Anniversary DualSense Edge: Check stock at PS Direct from 9am PST Nov 21 ($219.99)
Stock at GameStop?
It's very much worth a check on GameStop as you wait for PS Direct as I'm seeing folks have been successful in bagging a PS5 Slim 30th Anniversary Edition console there in the last 20 or 30 minutes! Here's the link:
PS5 Slim 30th Anniversary Edition: $499.99 at GameStop
aaaaaand I'm back in a queue...

Rather annoyingly, PS Direct has bumped me back into a queue/waiting room again - this time with a longer wait time too.
This did happen when the last restock was at its craziest, but did not happen earlier today with the UK PS Direct stock drop.
I've got no option but to just wait it out again, and I guess you're the same if you've had the same experience. We wait.
aaaaaand I'm back in...
Once again I am through the virtual waiting area and once again all the listing pages at PS Direct remains the same and unchanged.
I'm not entirely sure what PS Direct is doing with this in and out policy but I guess it's just giving me X minutes per visit somehow - which could make for unfortunate timing when 9am PST comes around if it just boots me out beforehand.
Anyway, it is what it is. We're now less than an hour from that starting time too so not long now!
Right, we're only about 20 minutes out from the supposed restock time at PS Direct, so we highly recommend getting into the site or the queue as soon as you can now to maximise your chances of getting in and having a shot at this restock.
Bad news as it looks like a massive queue is back
I hope you were all luckier than me because I've been booted out again and my wait time is now huge - more than an hour!
This is incredibly frustrating when mere moments ago PS Direct was happy to have me browsing their wares - now I'm not sure anything will be left when I do get in...
All I can recommend now is getting in as quickly as possible and keeping your fingers crossed.
PS5 Slim 30th Anniversary Edition Bundle: Check stock at PS Direct ($499.99)
30th Anniversary DualSense: Check stock at PS Direct ($79.99)
30th Anniversary DualSense Edge: Check stock at PS Direct ($219.99)
But the DualSense is in stock at GameStop!
However, the great news is that I have just been able to add a DualSense to my cart at GameStop! Here's the link to use now:
PS5 30th Anniversary DualSense Edition: $79.99 at GameStop
Is anyone in yet? Surely some folks are...
My wait time has now gone down to 35 minutes so I don't fancy my chances or the chances of anyone with a similar waiting time...
Good luck! And here are those links again if you're rolling the dice right now:
PS5 Slim 30th Anniversary Edition Bundle: Check stock at PS Direct ($499.99)
30th Anniversary DualSense: Check stock at PS Direct ($79.99)
30th Anniversary DualSense Edge: Check stock at PS Direct ($219.99)
I am seeing some chatter about stock of the DualSense being intermittently available at Sam's Club but it's not something I can recreate myself, sadly. Here's the link for you to try there:
PS5 30th Anniversary DualSense: $79.99 at Sam's Club
Meanwhile, I'm still about 15 minutes away from even having a look in...
I'm in!
After just saying I had about 15 minutes left on my timer, I've been abruptly let in to PS Direct!
However, there may have been a reason for that: nothing is available. It's all sold out and 'currently unavailable'...
This looks bad for those that had any sort of wait time to sit through before having a chance, and I think a lot of folks are going to be left unhappy again.
However, it's always worth checking soon after a stock drop liek this just incase any inventory reappears or orders placed fail and resurface stock. Here are those links again:
PS5 Slim 30th Anniversary Edition Bundle: Check stock at PS Direct ($499.99)
30th Anniversary DualSense: Check stock at PS Direct ($79.99)
30th Anniversary DualSense Edge: Check stock at PS Direct ($219.99)
I have a bad feeling that might well be that at PS Direct.
Each of the listing pages has now got now "check back" message which I think may be the giveaway. While it might just be because the 9am PT time has passed, the message was also removed earlier in the UK stock drop when PS Direct ran out of stock.
However, the rest of the day remains PS5 30th Anniversary Collection launch day and I'll try my best to hop on and provide some links as and when I see stock or get tips, though I do think it is unlikely now. Otherwise, definitely keep checking all the links at the top of this live blog.
But, for all intents and purposes, at 1.30pm ET, I'm going to make the call that the majority of launch day PS5 30th Anniversary Collection restock action has occurred now.