Mascots can be cute. They can be fun. They can be weird animal heads on bodies with human arms that make us question whether scientists have pushed the boundaries too far. They can also be utterly terrifying.
The Providence Friar sadly falls into that last category.
Decked out in white robes with a black hood and cape, the Friar features a mouth that is permanently agape with eyes that will bear into your soul. It’s something you wouldn’t want to run into in a dark forest or an abandoned building or in the underbelly of a NCAA tournament site.
If you haven’t looked into its empty, blank eyes and been consumed by its harrowing face, well, here you go:
I let our daughter fill out a bracket based on team mascots yesterday. Now she won’t stop talking about how terrified she is of the Providence Friar. pic.twitter.com/nqUK9Wm2fN
— Poly Lobby Ryan (@PolyLobby) March 16, 2023
Josh Graham, a radio host in North Carolina, shared a picture from the Greensboro regional site that is worthy of a horror movie. In it, he caught the Friar staring at a blank wall for several minutes. If you get nervous at night, don’t look at this.
With the lord as my witness, the Providence mascot was just outside the media work room staring at a wall for close to five minutes.
I’m shaken. pic.twitter.com/8StPc7TUyG
— Josh Graham (@JoshGrahamRadio) March 18, 2023
Sleeping with the lights on tonight.