A noisy band of 300 protestors made their feelings very clear about the proposed closure of Howden Park Centre in Livingston.
A rally was held on Saturday outside the theatre itself which then made its way to Livingston town centre.

The demonstrators are fighting against West Lothian Leisure’s plans to shut Howden park, plus three swimming pools – Xcite Livingston, Broxburn and Armadale.
It came after campaigners said that petitions to save
the leisure facilities had topped more than 20,000 names.
Karyn Hamilton, director of the Saltire Burlesque Academy, is one of the organisers who helped put the protests together.
She also told about a concert which is being held on Sunday, May 21 from 4pm to 6pm, with workshops and acoustic sessions.

he show starts at 6.30pm and there will be a reception from 8.30pm until 11pm.
The event aims to showcase all the groups that
use the Howden Centre, with representatives from
the council and West Lothian Leisure invited to the night. Karyn explained: “We did a rough count and it was 300 from Howden to Civic centre. They are a very determined bunch that have very strong feelings about the proposed closure.
“They are definitely not giving up and are ready to fight the council and West Lothian Leisure to keep Howden Park open.
“The are very passionate.
She added: “It was great to see everyone turning out,
and the support for Howden Park team was phenomenal.” Last week West Lothian Council said that it wanted to hear from businesses or community groups who want to take over the running of four under-threat leisure facilities.

Council bosses have agreed to explore alternative options for the continued provision of services at a number of facilities currently operated by West Lothian Leisure (WLL), before a decision is made on their future.
A spokesperson said: “The council is seeking to identify credible alternative commercial and community options for continued provision of services with other interested parties, and to explore whether credible and viable alternative options exist for the retention of facilities.”
Interested parties are invited to register their interest by 26 May 2023 online at: https://www.westlothian.gov.uk/interest
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