A dozen members of the protest group Antimonarchical Coordinator of Girona have unfurled a banner at the door of the Hotel Camiral in the town of Caldes de Malavella, in La Selva county, against the presence of the Spanish royal family. Next Wednesday, July 5th, it is planned that the Bourbons will attend the awards ceremony for the Princess of Girona Foundation at this hotel in Caldes. As a sign of rejection, the platform has decided to organize a protest to show the king “that he is not welcome”. After unfurling the banner, the organizers read a manifesto and encouraged the public to take part in the demonstration on Wednesday at 6pm, which will gather at the Camp dels Ninots in Caldes de Malavella.

“An opportunity that we cannot miss”, was how Quim Tell, of the antimonarchical group, described the demonstration called by this organization to show rejection of the presentation of the Princess of Girona Awards in Caldes de Malavella. In recent years, this event has taken place in Barcelona, fleeing to high-security premises in the Catalan capital after facing strong opposition in the Girona area, both institutionally and from the public. This year, however, the monarchy has decided to return to Girona, although not to the city itself but in a hotel close to the spa resort Caldes de Malavella. “They have lost the battle in Girona. They have to allocate very large resources to hold their events here, surrounded by police”, said Tell in statements to ElNacional.cat, assuring that the monarchy hides every time it has to stage an event in this area of Catalonia.
According to him, the intention of the Bourbons is to recover Girona, a territory that it lost on October 3rd, 2017 with the notorious speech by Felipe VI against the independence movement. “This is the second most important point for the monarchy in the state, along with Asturias, but, for them, Girona raises many doubts. Here there is a large pro-independence majority and that’s even bigger if you add those who feel Spanish, but are republicans”, sums up Tell, showing that the Royal Family is not welcome. The goal of the group is for the event to be disrupted and suspended.
Produced in association with El Nacional En