The Criminal Court agreed on Wednesday to temporarily release political activists Jatupat Boonpathararaksa and Panupong Jadnok to let them help their parents, their lawyer said.
Lawyer Kritsadang Nutjaras said the court in Bangkok approved the temporary release of his clients in the latest bail request citing the need for the two to ease the burdens of their parents.
No details of the bail were given.
Mr Jatupat, better known as Pai Dao Din, and Mr Panupong, or Mike Rayong, face multiple charges, including lese majeste.
Their release came on condition they abstain from all activities against the highest institution and court, said Mr Kritsadang, a lawyer for the Thai Lawyers for Human Rights Centre.
The two will not be allowed to take part in political campaigns that threaten law and order, and the two cannot leave the country, the lawyer said. They are confined to their homes from 6pm to 6am. and have to wear electronic monitoring ankle bracelets, according to the lawyer.
Mr Krisadang said the court made its decision to allow Mr Jatupat to help his father take care of his mother following a road accident that left her with a broken leg, while Mr Panupong's mother needed him to help her support the other family members.
The two were not released after the court's approval due to outstanding detention warrants for Mr Jatupat at the Phu Khieo Provincial Court in Chaiyaphum, and for Mr Panupong at the Phu Khieo court and a court in Ayutthaya.
The Thai Lawyers for Human Rights Centre said its lawyer would seek bail for them at the two courts on Thursday.