A property expert has revealed three things that can instantly devalue your home to prospective buyers.
Sarah Beeny explained the simple mistakes people make when trying to sell their homes that drastically devalue their property in buyers' eyes.
She says that rectifying these issues will ensure you get the best possible price for your house.
First, homeowners should pay attention to both the inside and the outside of the home.
"The most important thing - and I always say this - is to clean it.

"Clean the windows, clean the outside, clean the inside.
"If there's an old fridge that someone's chucked on the pavement, pick it up and take it to the dump.
"Clean up the area - not the whole area, but the area outside your home and make sure it's appealing to go in, so people don't feel they need to put on a chemical warfare outfit before they move in," Sarah told express.co.uk.
The next vital step is to make sure that the fundamentals of the property are in good condition and are solid.
This means carrying out checks on the roof, wiring and plumbing.
Finally, the expert said homeowners should consider investing in a good kitchen before putting their home on the market.
This is because many people consider the kitchen to be the heart of the home, and they know it can be quite expensive to redo.
Other rooms in the house do not have to be in as good of a condition as they are relatively inexpensive to do up.
However, a kitchen requires several types of trades to be finished to a high standard.
Sarah said: "The next one is the kitchen because people love kitchens. They are the heart of the home - however small a flat is.
"And having a nice kitchen means someone can move in and enjoy the space - they can always redecorate a bedroom, but redoing a kitchen is a really big upheaval, and it's hard work, disruptive and expensive.
"People aren't too sure how much it's going to cost [as well] because you've got to get lots of trades involved."