A leading Hunter property developer has revived plans for a high-rise apartment and seniors living project on part of the former Newcastle Workers Club site.
GWH Group has lodged a modified development application for the Wests City car park site after entering into an agreement to buy the land last year.
Wests Group completed the sale of the 6600-square metre site to GWH this year with approval in place for two 14-storey towers.
The redevelopment, which will cost an estimated $160 million, includes one tower of apartments and another for aged care and seniors living.
The modified application seeks to add another floor to one of the residential towers and change the number of aged care and independent living units in the other tower.

The revised proposal includes 159 apartments, 107 independent living units and a 50-bed aged care facility.
The new plans also include new communal facilities in the seniors living tower, including a gym, theatre, dining room and pool.
If approved, the project would be the second high-rise seniors living complex in inner-city Newcastle, after RSL LifeCare's Long Tan Village in Newcastle West.
The Herald was told in August that the sale could net Wests as much as $30 million after the licensed club giant bought the entire 1.3-hectare former workers club site in 2015 for $15 million.
The GWH project sits alongside two similarly sized potential redevelopment sites between Hunter Street and No.1 Sportsground.

The Newcastle Herald reported on Monday that the Sydney-based owners of a 6500-square metre site on the other side of King Street had put their land on the market.
The land parcel includes the heritage-listed former Hunter Water office building on Hunter Street and the water utility's later headquarters on King Street.
The site has a 45-metre height limit, equivalent to 15 storeys.

The Herald reported in May that Newcastle accountant Paul Siderovski had paid $33.4 million for a government office building on 6700 square metres of land in Bull Street.
The Bull Street site has a 30-metre height limit.