A prominent and historic pub in a Nottinghamshire town could be turned into a shop and housing under new plans. The Dial, in Market Place, Mansfield could be transformed into a shop and flats, if the plans are approved by Mansfield District Council.
The Grade II Listed building was closed in December 2019 after a "period of poor trading", according to documents submitted by developers. Planning permission and listed building consent are being sought for the three-storey property to be converted into a ground floor commercial unit and two houses of multiple occupancy on the upper two floors.
The Georgian-era building has an asymmetrical arrangement of timber doors and windows along the front façade, but some internal and external changes would need to be made to complete the project. The applicant has said the conversion would "make better use of an otherwise underutilised building", which it said was at risk of "further deterioration" if left empty.
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The ground floor would be converted to provide a commercial unit within the centre of the floorspace, with facilities for employees and residents surrounding. The upper two floors would be converted into two HMOs, with 10 bed spaces in total.
The developers said the existing property would be kept the same wherever possible, with walls reinstate where appropriate. It was added the project would help to "increase the vitality of a central building" through the new commercial unit and supply of residential accommodation within the town centre.
Planning and Design Group on behalf of applicant Maun River Developments Limited, said: "The proposed development is appropriate in its context and has considered the need to preserve and enhance the Grade II Listed building and Market Place Conservation Area, as heritage assets.
"On this basis, the proposal represents sustainable development. It is responsive and represents good design." The planning application is pending consideration by Mansfield District Council."