Actor Priyanka Chopra and American singer Nick Jonas may have returned to their professional commitments after their wedding over a month ago, but the fans are not done with it yet. Internet managed to uncover some more photos from the Jodhpur wedding with Priyanka’s cousin Parineeti being responsible for one good-as-gold shot. Other photos came from Priyanka’s friends who shared some yet unseen photos from the ceremony in December.
Parineeti shared a photo in which both she and Priyanka are posing in front of the Umaid Bhawan Palace, simply captioning it, “Behnein (sisters)”. While Priyanka is dressed in a fusion lehenga, Parineeti is wearing a crimson ensemble. The picture, which has the cousins smiling at the camera while holding hands, has gone viral.
Another stash of photos have some candid moments from the wedding. In one, Priyanka is overcome with emotions as Nick blows her a kiss. The couple is surrounded by friends and family, including Priyanka’s mother Madhu Chopra. Both Priyanka and Nick are seen dressed in ivory with fuchsia detailing in the photo.
Another photo has Nick and Priyanka smiling directly into the camera after their Hindu wedding. Still dressed in their wedding finery, the couple is seated on a table with family as Umaid Bhawan Palace forms the backdrop. There are more photos of Priyanka posing with friends from across the world.
Also read: Check out pics of Priyanka Chopra, Nick Jonas’ $6.5 million LA mansion
The actor’s friend Bozoma Saint John described the wedding as a ‘best fantasy’. “Yes... all of this describes my #fbf as I look back at that glorious weekend at beginning of December when my dear friend @priyankachopra married her love @nickjonas ... ❤️ F*%&ing BEST FANTASY!!”
Watch: Nick Jonas captures Priyanka Chopra on their Caribbean honeymoon
Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas tied the knot in a Christian and a Hindu ceremony in Jodhpur on December 1 and 2 in 2018. The couple later hosted receptions in Delhi and Mumbai. The couple also had a short honeymoon in the Caribbean before returning home to LA.
First Published: Jan 19, 2019 10:33 IST