If you are one of Priyanka Chopra’s fans who were not pleased with the actor keeping her lavish Jodhpur wedding a private affair, the continuous flow of her unseen wedding pictures may have been a manna from heaven. More than a month after the actor tied the knot at the Umaid Bhawan Palace, new pictures have arrived from Nick Jonas and Priyanka’s mehendi, haldi and chooda ceremony.
The Bajirao Mastani had chosen an elegant white anarkali for her Haldi ceremony with Nick twinning in a white kurta. How her relatives had a blast applying the turmeric paste to Nick looks evident in the pictures. The bride can be seen encouraging her relatives as they go on to perform the pre-wedding ceremony.
In another set of pictures, Priyanka can be seen having a quiet moment during the chooda ceremony as her cousin Parineeti Chopra and friends tie custom-made kaleere to her wrists. The bride is seen wearing a bandhni dupatta over her head as she closed her eyes to perform a small prayer during the rituals.
While Nick din’t go through a change of clothes, Priyanka decked up in a vibrant Abu Jani-Sandeep Khosla anarkali for the mehendi ceremony. She can be seen flaunting her henna-laden hands and feet in the new pictures. Nick can be seen shaking a leg with Priyanka’s brother Siddharth Chopra in another picture from the ceremony.
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The actor is currently working on her film, The Sky Is Pink, in between her family commitments. She recently moved to her new house in Los Angeles, purchased by husband Nick before their wedding. The two returned from their Caribbean honeymoon a few days ago and are now settling in their new house. The actor also united with her pooch Diana and shared a candid picture with the little one.
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First Published: Jan 25, 2019 10:32 IST