Priya Bathija separated from Raipur-based deejay Kawaljeet Saluja in 2017 after two years of marriage. Before that, she was married to actor Jatin Shah; the two tied the knot in 2009 and divorced in 2011. Despite two failed marriages, the actress says that she hasn’t become cynical about love and relationships.
She says, “When I married Jatin, I was very young and though the marriage did not work out, I gave it my 100 per cent. I don’t want to dwell on why things didn’t work out because too much time has passed now. After my divorce in 2011, I did not think of marriage for many years. But I decided to give love another chance and settled for an arranged marriage.”
Talking about her second marriage, Priya adds, “I thought everything would fall in place the second time around. Unfortunately, it did not. There were compatibility issues between us and things didn’t work out.”
The actress says that she is not disillusioned and believes in focusing on the positive in life. “I may have gone through two failed marriages, but I don’t see it as the end of the world. Life does not end if your marriage does not work out. There are so many other things to do in life. In the last two years, I worked on myself, got fitter, meditated a lot and travelled with friends. I have never been a party animal and enjoy meeting my friends occasionally. Life has been good. I am not cynical about love or companionship either. I do feel that it’s important to have a companion, but one does not stop living life to the fullest just because they are single.”
Priya returned recently to acting after two years in Yash Patnaik’s Tere Ishq Mein Ghayal. “I am now focused on my work and wanting to take up interesting roles,” she concludes.