It’s Charlotte in charge—according to a body language expert, it’s Princess Charlotte who is the standout star and the boss around the Wales family home, The Mirror reports.
Though Prince George (Charlotte’s older brother) is the future king, and though Prince Louis (Charlotte’s younger brother) steals the spotlight pretty much anywhere he goes, it’s Charlotte who is the one to watch, as she teaches her two brothers how to act at big events, Judi James says.

At the Coronation concert, Charlotte showed George how to wave his flag and ensured he was paying close attention when their father, Prince William, took to the stage to give remarks. At the Coronation ceremony the day before, Charlotte guided Louis and helped make sure he behaved—and these numerous body language signs indicate Charlotte is naturally falling into the leading role of the three kids, James says.
“Charlotte’s deep, perfect curtsy as the King walked past in the royal box [at the Coronation concert] was only one body language sign that she is becoming a standout star of the royal firm,” she says. “She snapped into duty as royal prefect as soon as she sat down, waving her bangle and her flag at her brother George to show him how he should use them during the concert.”

James continues “Charlotte and George were on their feet dancing to Lionel Richie, but it was when William walked out on stage that Charlotte really took over, looking back down the row of seats to check everyone had seen her dad, and then pointing her flag at the stage to make sure they looked. When George didn’t react enough, she even stood up, jabbing her flag in William’s direction again and shouting at her brother excitedly to pay attention.”
Speaking of her dad—and Charlotte’s role as the leader of the three kids—William himself remarked last Sunday afternoon before the concert that Charlotte was feeling “tired” after being big sister at the ceremony the day before.

“She’s very tired after yesterday,” he said. “She’s having a quiet day at home. It was making sure her little brother behaved himself,” William said as to why his daughter was so wiped out.