As third in line to the throne, Princess Charlotte holds a very grand title.
She's formally known as Her Royal Highness Princess Charlotte of Wales - a nod to her parents being the Prince and Princess of Wales.
But it's likely that as the seven-year-old grows up and enters adulthood, her royal title will change.
However, one title that Charlotte's grandfather King Charles had previously reportedly been saving for her, she now might not get - and instead it will be given to Prince Edward.
It was announced on Edward's wedding day to Sophie Wessex in 1999 that he would become the Earl of Wessex - and that in the future he would be made Duke of Edinburgh, the title formerly held by his late father Prince Philip.

However, it was rumoured that once Charles took the throne last year, he was reluctant to give Edward the title as he was saving it for his granddaughter.
But now the Mail On Sunday has reported that Charles will make Edward Duke of Edinburgh following a "change of heart" - although it's possible the King will request that title revert to the Crown from Edward instead of passing on to his heirs.

The newspaper said it Edward considered it to be a "slap in the face" if he wasn't given the title he was promised on his wedding day.
A source said: "Now it does look like the tide is turning. Clearly the King has had time to reflect on the late Queen's wishes."
So where does this leave Charlotte and her future title? Well it seems she could be bestowed the title Princess Royal.

However, this wouldn't be until her father Prince William becomes King as it is traditionally given to the eldest daughter of the monarch.
The current Princess Royal is the late Queen’s only daughter Princess Anne, who was given the title in 1987.
However, as the title is for life - it can only be passed to Charlotte following the death of Princess Anne.
Royal expert and author of Prince Harry : The Inside Story, Duncan Larcombe, told “The title of Princess Royal is traditionally bestowed on the eldest daughter of the monarch.
"It is a title that remains for life, so Princess Charlotte will have to wait at least until the death of the current Princess Royal."
The title was first introduced to mimic the French royal title of Madame Royale back in the 1600s.