Now, if this doesn’t make your heart swell a bit—OK reports that Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis are doing their part to make life a little bit easier on their parents, the Prince and Princess of Wales, as Kate undergoes cancer treatment. (Kate announced her diagnosis in a poignant video message on March 22, though she didn’t reveal what specific type of cancer or what stage, keeping in line with what her father-in-law, King Charles, shared about his own diagnosis back in February.)

Reinforcing just how, well, normal the Wales family of five really is at home at Adelaide Cottage (as opposed to, say, Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip’s four kids, who grew up in Buckingham Palace), a source said of George, Charlotte, and Louis that “they are following some new rules, like picking up after themselves and making their own snacks, but also making sure to wash their hands more often because Kate can’t be exposed to germs while she’s going through chemo,” they said. “George, who has always been wiser than his years, has been a real role model, especially to Charlotte. And she loves keeping Louis in line.”
The Wales kids just returned to school last Wednesday, April 17, after an extended Easter break, where the family of five and their maternal grandmother Carole Middleton retreated to the Wales family country home, Anmer Hall in Norfolk, to get away from it all. “They know their mom’s situation is serious, and it’s been really scary for them,” they said.

As for William—who returned to royal duty on Thursday, the day after the kids’ return to Lambrook School—he “is doing his best to manage their fears while also sharing his own feelings in a way that perhaps his own father didn’t do so well,” they said. “William is determined to take on all of the parental responsibilities while Kate is recovering, and it’s been the hardest job of his life.”
William has rearranged his work schedule to take on more parental duties, like school drop-offs and pickups, and he “has been an enormous source of strength [for Kate],” a source told OK. “He’s so proud of how she’s dealing with this and loves her more than ever.”

Carole has also been totally irreplaceable during this difficult time, and “has been shuttling Kate to her appointments and caring for her at home,” they said. “There’s no one like your mother to comfort you when you’re feeling sick—no matter how old you are.”