A body language expert has highlighted the many sweet similarities between Prince William and his son Prince George, saying the youngster is ‘like a chip off the old block.’
When Prince William and his son Prince George made a surprise appearance at a football game last week, while some gushed over the sweet father/son bonding night and other's couldn't get over how tall the youngster looked standing next to his dad, one expert was drawn in by something a little more subtle.
Speaking to The Express, a body language expert who analysed footage of the royals throughout the match revealed that the pair share an incredibly close bond that not only resembles that of a father and son, but also sweetly of friends.
The outing was an especially good one to look at, says expert Judi James, as the royals were out 'doing what millions of other dads (or mums) and their children do, i.e. watching and clearly enjoying a game of football,' rather than being on a royal engagement where their behaviour would be a lot more formal.
With that in mind, the expert highlighted that the video and photos show that 'William is enjoying his son’s company like a friend as well as a parent,' chatting with him about the game and letting himself relax.
"It’s such a shared pleasure for them both, with William able to lean down and exchange feedback and comments with his son as though talking to a fellow fan," she added.
As for George, "There are signs of the kind of postural and gestural mirroring that have tended to make George look like a chip off the old block as far as his father is concerned." And not only are they so close thanks to their shared experience of being heir to the throne and holding such a prominent position in the royal line of succession, the expert says they clearly share other 'pressure-free' passions.
"William has a duty and a need to share one rite of passage with his son in terms of induction into the role of future king," she explains. "But football is a different rite of passage for them both and one they can clearly enjoy in a relaxed and pressure-free way."
The father/son outing was not only important for the way it demonstrated the pair's close bond, but was also significant as it marked the first time George had been seen in public since the news of his mum Kate Middleton's cancer diagnosis. Considering this, the body language expert said that both William and George's relaxed postures were 'happily reassuring.'
She told The Mirror, "It's the normality of the body language here that is so happily reassuring. This is William and George doing what they have always done together, not as royals but as a dad and his son enjoying the football.
"Their mirroring is as strong as ever here, with their style of clapping and their poses and facial expressions looking twinned. Mirroring is an intense trait with William and Kate, defining like-minded thinking and mutual respect and the same increasingly applies to William and his young son."
We're sure we will catch more glimpses of their sweet interactions as their favourite football team continues to, hopefully, make their way up the table and win more games!
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