On the surface, “Broken Rage” might seem like a fairly boilerplate crime thriller. It centers on an aged hitman forced to go undercover in a criminal syndicate after cutting a deal with two police detectives. It sounds like pretty standard stuff for the genre but this Prime Video original is hiding a secret.
Directed by acclaimed Japanese filmmaker Takeshi Kitano, “Broken Rage” landed on Prime Video this week, and after streaming it for myself, I can comfortably say it’s among the most unique movies I’ve ever watched (and I’ve watched a lot of movies in my time). And at just a little over an hour long, it’s a movie that every Prime Video subscriber should find time to watch.
Okay, at this point, you’re probably wondering exactly what makes “Broken Rage” so unique and exactly what is the movie’s aforementioned secret. I’ll dive into all the details below, but if you’re willing to watch without any more information, I recommend streaming it now with its most intriguing layer still a mystery. But if you need a bit more context before committing to watching “Broken Rage” on Prime Video, then here’s everything you need to know…
What is ‘Broken Rage’ about?
Takeshi Kitano directs and stars in “Broken Rage,” a crime thriller that sees an aged hitman forced into an uneasy situation to secure his freedom.
After being implicated in several murders, the hitman is given an ultimatum, infiltrate a criminal organization engaged in drug smuggling, or spend the rest of his life behind bars. With little choice, he opts to go undercover.
'Broken Rage' is half crime thriller, half spoof comedy, all original.
But here’s the wrinkle, “Broken Rage” is a movie of two very distinct halves. The first sees the above story told in a classic crime thriller style. Essentially the movie takes things completely seriously.
However, the second half of the movie sees the same story told a second time, but this time in the form of a hilarious parody. Yup, “Broken Rage” is actually two short movies in one.
‘Broken Rage' is unlike anything you've seen before

I’ve never seen a movie quite like “Broken Rage." And to be honest, I’m super happy such an experimental project was conceived (and crucially funded). It feels like a risky venture, and I can imagine some audience members being turned off by its two clashing styles. But that’s the entire point. The two separate halves couldn’t be more different.
As an example, the opening sequence sees the hitman, known as Mr. Mouse, enter a coffee shop to receive his next target. In the first half, where the movie is presented as a thriller, the tone is almost chilling, as the hitman has a lethal aura about him. In the second portion, where the tone has switched to comedy, Mouse’s chair proceeds to break, leaving him sprawled out on the floor. Seeing these events framed so differently is fascinating.

Perhaps “Broken Rage’s” biggest issue is that its hour-long runtime doesn’t quite leave it enough time to tell a compelling narrative. I really enjoyed the first 15 minutes of the thriller portion, which sees the hitman complete a series of assassinations.
This segment is highly reminiscent of David Fincher’s 2023 movie “The Killer,” which I loved. However, the back half, when he’s working underground is generic and extremely thinly-sketched. With a runtime of just 30 minutes per half, there’s not enough time to weave a truly gripping yarn.
The comedy segment is also extremely silly, with slapstick moments such as the hitman falling off a treadmill when tracking a target at a gym, or a gunpoint stand-off turning into an absurd game of musical chairs.
If you’re looking for subtle comedy, you won’t find it in “Broken Rage.” Instead, the movie very much plays to the cheap seats, and while this did result in me often laughing at the ridiculous events, it does all feel a bit too whacky.
Should you stream ‘Broken Rage’ on Prime Video?

“Broken Rage” is a movie I like more in concept than in execution. The thriller half is too routine to leave a lasting impression, and while the subsequent comedy half packs plenty of chuckle-worthy moments it’s also overflowing with grating slapstick, and a few jokes are stretched beyond breaking point.
Nevertheless, there’s something inherently interesting about seeing the same story presented in two completely different styles. And overall, I’m extremely glad that “Broken Rage” exists. I love to see filmmakers take risks and experiment with genre styles, and whatever criticism I may have of the final product, I can’t deny that Takeshi Kitano has made something very unique in "Broken Rage." It's half crime thriller, half spoof comedy, all original.
I still strongly recommend you stream “Broken Rage,” even if the finished article is more engaging on paper than in practice. At just an hour (and six minutes) long, it’s hardly a significant time investment, and it’s such a unique concept it’s worth experiencing once. Just make sure you’re prepared for some very silly jokes — at one point the hitman dons fuzzy mouse ears.
Convinced that “Broken Rage” just isn’t for you? Be sure to check out our round-up of everything new added to Amazon Prime Video in February 2025 for a load of alternative picks including several action-thriller movies that don’t shift into farcical parody at the halfway point.
Watch "Broken Rage" on Prime Video now