The Scottish Government has been urged to ‘get serious’ about returning Prestwick Airport to private ownership.
The call comes from South Scotland Conservative List MSP, Brian Whittle, who’s voiced concerns about the amount of public money being pumped into supporting the air transport hub.
His call comes in the wake of recent comments from Scotland’s Auditor General, Stephen Boyle, suggesting Prestwick Airport would continue to require millions in public funding while it remained in public ownership.
Since the airport was bought by the Scottish Government in 2013, it has received more than £43 million in loans.
And around £31 million of that has been written off, prompting concerns from fellow Tory- Scottish Conservative shadow transport minister, Graham Simpson- over the ‘colossal sums’ of public cash going into support the airport.
The airport has begun to make a profit in recent years, but Mr Whittle reckons it’s impossible for Prestwick to flourish without more investment than the Scottish Government can offer.
Speaking at Holyrood, the Scottish Conservative MSP said: “Preventing Prestwick’s closure in 2013 was the right decision by the Scottish Government, but it was never a credible long-term solution for the airport.
“Now, a decade later, it’s time for the Scottish Government to get serious about selling the airport and unlock its real potential for Ayrshire and the wider economy.
“Having spoken to some of those who have bid previously for the airport, I know there is a recognition of how valuable an asset it is, and what it can be with the right investment.

“We’ve reached the point where getting the best value for taxpayers means selling the airport and benefitting in years to come from the economic growth that a new owner can generate.”
He added: “Continuing to prop up the airport with public money when there’s a better alternative is a bad deal for the airport and for Scotland’s taxpayers.”
However, Minister for Business, Trade, Tourism and Enterprise, Ivan McKee, said “no loan funding” has been provided to Prestwick airport since 2019 and the Government “do not envisage” any being required in 2023/24.
He also questioned the comments made by the Auditor General, saying: “I am not sure on what basis the Auditor General made that statement because, for the past three years, the business at Prestwick airport has been profitable.
“We have no indication that any further additional funding will be required in this financial year and we expect that profitable position to continue into the future.
“I agree that the airport should return to the private sector when we have a buyer that can purchase the airport with a solid business plan and can fund investment, as required.”
He added: “We are interested to hear from any prospective buyer and to have a conversation about the future of the airport because the future of the airport will be in private sector hands.”
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