A commencement speech that President Joe Biden is expected to deliver at Morehouse College next month has sparked concern among the school’s faculty. The White House formally announced that Biden will deliver the May 19 commencement at Morehouse, a historically Black college.
Faculty at Morehouse expressed concerns about Biden's presence on campus amid rumors that he would deliver the commencement. Morehouse Provost and Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs Kendrick Brown consulted with elected faculty leaders, who expressed the need for a forum to discuss the issue.
A forum is scheduled for April 25 for faculty members, with students also engaging with college President David Thomas on the matter. Brown clarified that the college does not plan to rescind its invitation to President Biden.
Biden's visit to Morehouse College comes as he aims to connect with young voters for another term in the White House. However, frustrations have arisen over Biden's support for Israel's military campaign in Gaza, leading to protests at college campuses nationwide.

Protests over Biden's support of Israel have disrupted some of his speeches and campaign events. Despite these challenges, Biden's campaign has been gradually reintroducing him to college campuses, opting for more intimate settings where audience selection can be more controlled.
White House deputy press secretary Andrew Bates stated that the president is looking forward to speaking at the commencement and expressing gratitude to graduates and their families for their support.
In addition to Morehouse College, Biden is also expected to deliver a commencement address at the United States Military Academy at West Point on May 25.