President Joe Biden and his wife, Jill, welcomed trick-or-treaters to the White House for the final time on Wednesday. The first lady, who has been a teacher for 40 years, introduced an educational twist to the event by naming it 'Hallo-Read' to promote reading among children.
Earlier in the day, Jill Biden engaged a group of costumed children on the South Lawn by reading a spooky pumpkin-themed story. Later in the day, the president and first lady distributed candy and books provided by private companies to the attendees.
Approximately 8,000 individuals, including students and children associated with the military, were anticipated to visit the White House throughout the day to partake in the Halloween festivities.

The South face of the White House was adorned with a large orange moon and a sign that read 'Hallow-Read at the White House.' Decorations included cardboard cutouts of Willow, the family cat, along with stacks of books. Giant pumpkin decorations flanked the entrance to the executive mansion, adding to the festive atmosphere.
President Biden, who announced in July that he would not seek reelection, is set to conclude his term in January. The 'Hallo-Read' event at the White House served as a memorable occasion for children to enjoy Halloween festivities while also promoting the joy of reading.