President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris expressed their gratitude to the thousands of political appointees serving their administration during a Zoom call on Saturday. Biden commended his team, stating, 'No presidency gets to choose the moment they enter history, but they do get to choose the team. And I’m damn proud of the team we chose.' He urged the departing appointees to reflect on their service with pride.
Approximately 4,000 political appointees from various federal government sectors will be leaving their positions as President-elect Donald Trump assumes office. Biden encouraged the appointees to remain involved and committed to the causes they have been working on, emphasizing the importance of staying engaged in the ongoing challenges facing the nation.

He emphasized the significance of continuing the fight for progress and unity, stating, 'We’re leaving office — we can’t leave the fight. You’re smart, you’re skilled, you’re passionate, you’re decent, you’re concerned about people — the country will need you again. So please stay engaged.'
Biden's call to action resonated with the departing appointees, highlighting the dedication and commitment required to address the pressing issues facing the nation. As the transition of power unfolds, the message of unity and perseverance remains a central theme in the administration's approach to governance.