Pregnancy is difficult, stressful, and, at the end of the day, hunger-inducing, so it’s pretty important to have a good support system, whether it’s your partner, friends, or family. However, as many women have learned the hard way, some men might have the body of an adult but still have the entitlement of a bratty two-year-old.
TikToker Genni Fields shared a shocking clip of her partner getting angry over her mom bringing her food to help with her pregnancy cravings. Bored Panda has reached out to Genni on TikTok and will update the article when she gets back to us.
More info: TikTok
Carrying a child means relying on others to help you sometimes

Image credits: Ivan Samkov / Pexels (not the actual photo)
A pregnant woman had to deal with a partner who was jealous of the food her mom had brought her

Image credits: gennywenny99
Partner: “I’ll go get my food if I want it, whether you want food too is up to you.”
Her: “Okay.”
Partner: “I am tired of literally starving day in and day out. I’m pretty sure I weigh 140 pounds by now.”

Image credits: gennywenny99
Partner: “No, I’m [fricking] serious, Jennifer. I starve all day, every day, while your mom brings you the things that you want. Tell me, is that fair to me?”
Her: “Bryce, I don’t know that she’s gonna bring me stuff.”
Partner: “Then you should tell her no, not unless there’s enough for Bryce too, because he literally sits here and starves every day. And I’m tired of it.”
Her: “Okay.”

Image credits: gennywenny99
The video, which you can watch below, went viral and hit over 10 million views
@gennywenny99 Ignore my face 🤣 i had just woken up and was suffering from really bad morning sickess, plus i tend to blunk like that when im over whelmed or feel like crud #abusiverelationship #pregnancyabuse #toxicrelationship #leavemealone #wtf ♬ original sound – Genni Fields

Image credits: Lisa Fotios / Pexels (not the actual photo)
OP appears to be stuck with a man who is not capable of taking care of himself
Despite how objectively bad, annoying, and toxic it is, the idea of a manchild goes back, presumably, as far as the Roman empire. Unlike the modern iterations, which can’t seem to feed or handle themselves, the “eternal boy” (Puer aeternus) was often seen as a more positive thing. Given the abundance of man-children now, this seems like a deeply naive way to look at things.
It would refer to an older person, with all the joy, energy, and zest for life characteristic of a child. In that sense, the man off-screen in this video is something else, as he seems to have no energy, no zest for life, and is as helpless as the baby being carried by OP. Of course, he is not actually helpless, and that is what makes him a manchild and not a literal child. Incidentally, the use of the word “man” here is not accidental, as some psychologists believe that men are more prone to being overly reliant on women for basic needs.
What might complicate this issue is that “Immature personality disorder” is a real condition that many adults actually suffer from. At the same time, there are, no doubt, thousands of people who were born perfectly fine and then raised to be lazy, useless adults, like the one whose voice we hear offscreen in this video.

Image credits: Vitaly Gariev / Pexels (not the actual photo)
Some people will use every manipulation tactic in the book to not do any work
Symptoms vary but include all the expected hallmarks, like extreme entitlement that turns into aggression when not fulfilled. While the method of aggression may vary, the sort of manipulation that was audible here is one sign. Immature people will utilize passive aggression (“I starve all day”) to make the other person guilty, never mind the fact that they are just as able-bodied, if not more able-bodied. At the same time, they might be controlling, never wanting the other person to develop further.
At the same time, these sorts of people will be quite passive about their own lives, as they are generally quite psychologically dependent on others. The contradiction is quite clear here, for example, this man stated that he was being literally starved by a pregnant woman, but has made no effort to leave. The truth is, he is probably quite comfortable with someone else taking care of things for him. Indeed, he might actually believe that he will simply starve to death outside.
An actual adult were to legitimately think the other person is starving them, would simply get up and dump them on the spot. Instead, despite the “abuse” he claims, he does nothing but whine and requests that OP’s mother bring him food. Given the ability to literally order food these days, it’s sort of confusing just how incapable he seems to be. Fortunately, for basically everyone, OP shared some updates, which can be found below the scorching roast viewers commented about this man.
Viewers viciously mocked the manchild in the comments

Others shared similar stories

Genni Fields also shared other, similar recordings
@gennywenny99 Im so glad I don’t have to go through this anymore. Do not put up with it, get out, protect yourself. #abusiverelationship #hiding #pregnancyabuse #toxicrelationship #leavemealone #wtf ♬ original sound – Genni Fields
@gennywenny99 Honestly hearing this again feels like a fever dream. Its unreal, like I actually went theough this #abusiverelationship #toxicrelationship #leavemealone #wtf ♬ original sound – Genni Fields
Later she shared a more detailed description
@gennywenny99 The much requested storytime!!! #abusiverelationship #toxicrelationship #pregnancyabuse #storytime ♬ original sound – Genni Fields
Fortunately, the viral video was old and she has since moved on
@gennywenny99 If yall want a storytime let me know!!! #abusiverelationship #toxicrelationship #pregnancyabuse #storytime ♬ original sound – Genni Fields
Last but not least, she posted a video with her mom and gave some more context
Woman Documents Her Partner’s Mistreatment In TikToks, People Come For Him Bored Panda@gennywenny99 Here yall go #abusiverelationship #toxicrelationship #pregnancyabuse #storytime ♬ original sound – Genni Fields