Picking out a baby name is exciting and nerve-racking, but it usually means you're moving closer to meeting your bundle of joy.
Parents have to choose a name which suits their child, won't encourage bullying in the playground, and doesn't cause any unnecessary conflict with their friends and family.
But one woman has managed to loose a friendship after demanding her friend changes her dog's name so she can give it to her baby girl.
In a series of text messages, the expecting mum explains how she is pregnant with a girl and wants to name her fifth child Tilly - but can't because the woman's dog has the same name.
She wrote: "We want to name her Tillie but it's come to my attention you have a dog named Tilly and I'd appreciate you changing the dog's name. Obviously she can't have the same name as a dog and we're bound to bump into each other."
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In response, the woman replied: "I don't think it's necessary to change my Tilly's name. I don't think you'll ever see her and I don't think anyone will notice they've got the same name anyway."
Not wanting to take no for an answer, the woman didn't hold back in her reply as she gave the woman a piece of her mind.
She said: "I can't express how I feel right now. I'm so disappointed and let down in you Jennay. People say you're a nice person but I can see you have them tricked.
"You don't have children, you'll never understand how a mother can love and just want the best for this perfect little person.
"I'm honestly shocked you're being so heartless and unreasonable, you didn't even consider changing the animal's name for my daughter's future.
"This is going to impact her life and potentially ruin her confidence and life. Can you even imagine growing up having the same name as a mutt?
"You callously have put me in a terrible position. You are a piece of work and don't deserve your good family. You are ruining a baby's life.
"Think of what you're doing Jennay. Your inaction has huge consequence. This isn't over Jennay and I'll be talking to Shareen and Glen about this - she will be disgusted in you just like I am. You're a disgrace. Please reconsider."
While most users agreed the woman shouldn't have to change her dog's name just because her friend wants to use it for her child, others couldn't believe the expecting mum's outburst.
One user said: "Response should be: 'My dog had the name first, why do you want to name your baby after my dog?'"
Another user added: "Say you're changing the dog's name to her name instead. She'll be much happier."
A third user said: "You really need to change your dogs name when that child is born to the full first middle and last name of that baby - and then make a social media account and befriend her whole family."
Do you have dog story to share? Email paige.freshwater@reachplc.com.