A pregnant teen is insisting she be allowed to name the newborn twins she is giving up for adoption.
The adoptive mum-to-be sought opinions on Reddit after the 15-year-old girl giving birth to her babies be named Walter and Agnes.
The woman and her husband think the names are "outdated" and have already settled on calling them Ellie and Evan.
She said the girl and her family are "upset" that they have refused to use the twins' "real names".
They have also threatened to look for new adopters, MailOnline reports.
Writing on the r/AmITheA*****e subreddit, she said: "We've been with her all her pregnancy and even if she doesn't want to be a mother, she will still be able to visit the twins as often as she wants because we live in the same city."

The adoptive parents were excited about naming their new children, but found out the birth mum had also chosen names - which they think are "outdated".
Walter and Agnes were not names of the girl's relatives, but chosen "because she thought they sounded cool", the woman claims.
She added: "But even if the names were great, they are still our babies. We will raise them...We insist on naming them.
"They will also get our last name and legally be our children, which was decided and agreed on five months ago."

Opinions among Redditors were split, with many suggesting they are in the right and should even consider cutting ties with the girl.
But others felt sympathy for the young teen, suggesting her "one stipulation" was worth it for the "valuable" opportunity to adopt newborns.
Some even felt the adoptive mother was being unreasonable for refusing what they saw as a reasonable request.
One Reddit user wrote: "I would seriously consider not doing this with this girl. She wants to see them as much as she wants, she wants the names she picked.
"Sounds like she and her family want someone to foot the bill of babies and not actually give them up."
A second said: "If you give in on this what will be this family's next demand? What other decision will they demand to make for your children?
"If this is their hill to die on, and they will adopt the children out to somebody else it will be heart-breaking, but this is not the (precedent) you want to set."
A third simply said "parents get to name their children". They felt that because the woman and her husband will become the kids' legal parents, it's "not really a discussion".
Opinions were split, with many supporting the birth mum.
One user wrote: "Birth mum is the mum when the children are born, and she is legally the mum until her rights are voluntarily terminated.
"She can and should name and spend time with her babies before the adoption. It is the right thing for all involved. She has rights and someone should be protecting them."
Another said: "She isn't a surrogate she is a person and she is giving up her biological children so you can have a family. I hope she finds a couple that can be more humane in this situation, and that are excited to be parents regardless what the names are."
Criticising the woman, a third wrote: "This 15-year-old girl is giving you the greatest gift one ever could and the only stipulation is the name.
"Adopting newborns is a rare opportunity. Honestly, she has something so valuable she probably could easily replace you with adoptive parents willing to uphold that one stipulation."