At the National Rifle Association’s conference in Texas, a progressive delivered a passionate speech thanking the group’s leaders for his many “thoughts and prayers” – and not everyone got the joke.
Despite numerous pleas to call the event off, the NRA held its annual meeting in Houston this past weekend, even as the state reels from a school shooting that left 21 dead in Uvalde. Somehow, Jason Selvig – who comprises one half of the prankster duo “The Good Liars” – managed to crash the event.
During a part of the conference when NRA members directly spoke to the group’s CEO, Wayne LaPierre, Mr Selvig stepped up to the microphone. At first, his comments sounded sympathetic to the gun lobbyist.
“I would like to say that I am sick and tired of the left-wing media and, frankly, people in this room today spreading misinformation about Wayne LaPierre,” the activist said. “Whenever there’s a mass shooting, they always say that Wayne LaPierre isn’t doing enough to stop these mass shootings, and even implying that Wayne LaPierre has played a part in making it easier for these shooters to get guns.”
Mr Selvig then began an uncomfortably long list of mass shootings in the United States.
“You heard it after Las Vegas,” he said. “You heard it after Pulse Nightclub in Orlando. You heard it after Columbine. You heard it after Parkland. You heard it after Virginia Tech. You heard it after Sandy Hook…”
As he spoke, Mr LaPierre stared quizzically from his seat.
“You kept hearing that Wayne LaPierre isn’t doing enough,” Mr Selvig continued. “And frankly, that’s not true. The NRA under Wayne LaPierre’s leadership has provided thoughts and prayers to the victims and their families.”
As US mass shootings have increased in frequency over the years, pro-gun politicians and pundits have offered “thoughts and prayers” – in lieu of new gun regulations – with such regularity that the phrase has become a cliche.
But as Mr Selvig spoke, he kept a straight face even while repeating the words ad absurdum.
“Maybe these mass shootings would stop happening if we all thought a little bit more and we prayed a little bit more,” the prankster said. “So I’m asking everyone in this room to think. To pray. Give your thoughts and your prayers, and your thoughts and your prayers, and your prayers and your thoughts.”
Finally, Mr Selvig addressed Mr LaPierre directly.
“So I want to thank you, Wayne LaPierre, for all your thoughts and all your prayers,” he concluded.
A few NRA members in the audience applauded.