CKPower PLC, the leader in hydroelectric power plants, has played a key role in fostering community engagement and development for the quality of life of people around power plants it has operated both domestically and internationally.
CKPower has classified its investments in the power production and distribution business into three business sectors. They include: Hydroelectric Power Plants (Nam Ngum 2 Hydroelectric Power Plant and Xayaburi Hydroelectric Power Plant in Lao PDR); Cogeneration Power Plants (Bangpa-in Cogeneration Power Plant 1 and 2), and; nine Solar Power Plants in Thailand.
Around these power plants, CKPower has worked with local communities and carried out social activities with their people that work towards achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs). The Company has also complied with all relevant labour guidelines and laws in each locality and international human rights practices.
Moreover, CKPower has placed emphasis on sustainable business practices that must involve developing the community and society alongside the Company and be guided by a sense of social responsibility for the collective advancement of the country, which makes it possible to maintain the balance between business operations and meeting stakeholder expectations in the long run.
CKPower is working under its unique sustainability strategy (C-K-P) where C stands for ‘Clean Electricity’, K stands for ‘Kind Neighbour’, and P stands for ‘Partnership for Life’.
However, when it comes to community engagement, resettlement and relocation and quality of life enhancement in communities, CKPower is working under the concept of ‘K’.
The Company has sought to respect international human rights, leverage its capabilities to support and promote exchanges of knowledge and experience between itself, employees, and communities as well as create value to enhance the quality of life in communities within an operational framework.

Hinghoi (Firefly) Project
CKPower initiated the Hinghoi (meaning fireflies in Thai) Project in 2016, beginning with surveys of the sites as well as the opinions and needs of communities and growing into a collaboration between the Company and communities.
The project is a brainchild of the Company’s top executives to leverage the knowledge and expertise in electrical engineering of its employees to empower communities to give people around its power plants and remote areas in Thailand and Laos a better quality of life through access to clean energy and essential utilities.
The Company has created a learning resource for renewable energy and brought its competency to equip communities surrounding its power plants with clean energy.
Over the past years, the project has sought to address the issue of power shortage by promoting the installation of solar power systems and water turbines to generate electricity for school buildings as well as increasing access to many other renewable energy sources in communities in the vicinity of CKPower’s power plants and remote areas.

Under the Hinghoi Project, CKPower has been able to use its engineering innovation to address the problem of power shortfalls, which not only demonstrates the capabilities of its energy production businesses but also helps cultivate social consciousness and responsibility among its employees as well as building relationships with employees at all levels of the organisation, communities and network partners in a sustainable way.

Largely thanks to the Hinghoi Project, CKPower assures that it will help inspire new generations of youths to carry on and take part in the initiative to create value and develop clean energy for communities and society for the future of prosperity. Meanwhile, the company is always committed to carrying on green projects under its forward-looking strategies with the aim to create sustainable innovation for society going forward.