Nearly every outdoor siren in Powell County is working again – just in time for spring severe weather season. Powell 911 Director Larry Hall said they were tested last Thursday, and of their dozen, 11 worked. He said they used parts from surplus sirens donated by the neighboring Estill County Fiscal Court.
“I took all the radios that we currently have in our sirens, from the Estill County siren bases. Had those reprogrammed to a frequency that matches our controller, matches our sirens.”
Hall said he’s spoken to three private property owners and two have offered to put warning sirens on their land – and he’s breathing a bit easier these days.
“It's a big relief to myself, you know, because my family lives in this county as well but to every family.”
Hall said Powell County, which has the Red River Gorge and Natural Bridge State Park and other outdoor attractions, has lots of tourists and many vacation rental homes – so visitors will be safer, too.
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