‘Pot For Plasma’ campaign is an effort being undertaken by Greenhouse of Walled Lake and UBaked Cannabis Edibles of Burton to help remedy Michigan’s critical scarcity of blood and plasma donations.
Starting Tuesday, Jan. 18, the two cannabis companies will provide free pre-rolls to anyone over 21 who comes in with proof that they have donated blood or plasma. Anything will do - a sticker, a band-aid on your arm can be used as proof and no purchase is necessary.
The two companies stressed that Michigan is currently undergoing the worst blood and plasma shortage in more than 10 years, a situation also going on in the rest of the United States. The American Red Cross and Michigan Association of Blood Banks are pleading for help; they urgently need blood and plasma donations.
It was just one year ago that Greenhouse of Walled Lake launched its "Pot for Shots" promo where the company gave away more than 30,000 pre-rolls to anyone who showed proof of a Covid vaccination.
"Our state and our country continue to be in crisis, and we are asking people to go out and donate their blood or plasma at a convenient site,” Greenhouse of Walled Lake founder and owner Jerry Millen said. “Their generous donations may allow someone to have surgery or even save their life. ‘POT FOR PLASMA’ is our way of rewarding our old customers and new customers for giving back to the community. In fact, I will be donating my blood and plasma as well," Millen concluded.
Photo: Courtesy of Nguyễn Hiệp on Unsplash