Opinions may differ on his musical output, but the consensus remains that Post Malone is one of the good guys amongst today's billboard chart stars, and when a young fan's mother in the front row of his recent Tampa show on 1 August asked for his electric guitar, he didn't hesitate. And it was a $5,000 Tele. Pretty bold request.
"You gotta promise me that you're gonna take care of it and play it," Post responded. "We promise our life on it, Posty" came the reply. Then the musician went and fetched the relic'd blue metallic instrument, reminding the young girl he gifted it to that she needs take care of it because it was one of his favourite guitars. They even asked him to sign it and he obliged.
According to TMZ the guitar's new owner is reported to be an 11-year-old called Winter, and the show was her fifth time seeing Post Malone alongside her sister Brooklyn and mother, Jenn. TMZ also reports that Winter doesn't know how to play yet but plays to put the guitar in a display case and never sell it.
If that wasn't enough, Post apparently gave sister Brooklyn the shirt off his back, and his socks.
It wasn't the only notable guitar event at the Tampa show either – in what is now becoming a show regular, Post invited another young fan onstage to perform his hit Stay on acoustic guitar. And he aced it!