A new horror film titled 'Amelia's Children' has been making waves in the film industry. Directed by a Lisbon-based filmmaker, the movie follows an American couple in Portugal who discover a dark secret tied to an ancient bloodline of witchcraft.
The film serves as a departure from the director's previous work, 'Diamantino,' which was known for its light-hearted and satirical take on celebrity culture. In 'Amelia's Children,' the lead actor, Carloto Cotta, portrays a musician named Edward who embarks on a journey to uncover his biological family after a DNA test reveals shocking information about his past.
As the couple delves deeper into Edward's family history, they encounter eerie and unsettling events at a mysterious estate in Portugal. The film takes a dark turn as the family's sinister secrets are gradually revealed, leading to a fight for survival.
The film's visual effects and makeup work are also noteworthy, particularly in the portrayal of the character Amelia, Edward's mother. The prosthetics and makeup used to age the actress and create a sense of decay are both impressive and unsettling.