Everyone loves free video games, and Xbox Live Gold subscribers are getting several during the back-to-school season. Hear that? It’s the distraught screams of children unable to play these until classes are out.
Xbox Live Games with Gold September 2022
Four games will launch on the service this September for anyone with an active Xbox Live Gold subscription. We’ll list every title and the corresponding release dates below. All information comes via Xbox Wire.
Sept. 1 to Sept. 30
- Gods Will Fall
Sept. 16 to Oct. 15
- Double Kick Heroes
Sept. 1 to Sept. 15
- Thrillville
Sept. 16 to Sept. 30
- Portal 2
Microsoft recently announced that Xbox 360 games will no longer be part of the Games with Gold giveaways starting in October. Apparently, the company is having trouble porting legacy titles to newer hardware. Licensing fees from way back get in the fun, it seems. Any backwards compatible Xbox 360 games already available on the service aren’t going anywhere, thankfully.
It’s a shame, but Portal 2 is an excellent choice for a final reminder of how fantastic the Xbox 360 was. The 7th generation of consoles, which includes the PS3 and Nintendo Wii, feels like a distant memory by now.
Written by Kyle Campbell on behalf of GLHF.