Your editorial (13 March) claims that Pope Francis champions “the marginal, peripheral and excluded”. His church does not champion women, however, denying them equality and fertility control and refusing their participation as priests. You say that the pope emphasises “mercy over judgment”. What is the sin here? Who are the sinners?
Michele Roberts
• Despite Dave Young describing the difference between a shovel and a spade (Letters, 14 March), I’m confused. In Thursday’s crossword a clue asks: Dug up by a shovel (6). The answer is Spaded. Dave, help us out here please.
Peter Stewart
• I’m sure the young junior doctors who I spoke to on the picket line this week, and who told me about their student loan debts and the number of hours they currently work for salaries on which they struggle to manage, will be thrilled to know they can now put up to £60,000 a year tax-free into their pension pots (Report, 16 March).
Karen Barratt
• Regarding Rod Riesco’s letter (14 March), I wonder if there is a disgruntled reader of Le Monde eating a sandwich from a non-stop, while waiting in the parking to leave for the weekend.
Steve Readings
• Re oldies’ T-shirt slogans (Letters, 9 March), I have one which reads, “I am beginning to think I will never be old enough to know better”. I wear it to raves.
Andrew Duncan
Little Waltham, Essex
• Have an opinion on anything you’ve read in the Guardian today? Please email us your letter and it will be considered for publication in our letters section.