What would you do if a long-lost family member suddenly came back into your life, loaded with guilt, drama, and some unexpected twists? Can you imagine being estranged from your mother for over 10 years, only to have her suddenly reappear in your life with a new baby, asking for help? And then, just as you think you’re doing the right thing, it all blows up over hidden wealth.
This is what the protagonist of this story, a strong young woman, had to deal with when her estranged mom suddenly came back into her life.
More info: Reddit
Estranged mom reaches out to her daughter after 10 years of no contact, asking her to adopt her baby sister, as she can’t handle it anymore

Image credits: Kindel Media (not the actual photo)
The woman and her husband decide to legally adopt the little girl, as they have been struggling with infertility and were already considering adoption

Image credits: J carter (not the actual photo)
After the adoption, the mom finds out her daughter’s family is very wealthy and lashes out at her daughter for keeping it a secret

Image credits: Far-Librarian-4999

Image credits: Tima Miroshnichenko (not the actual photo)
The estranged mom demands her baby back plus a big check from her daughter, saying she is rich and should help her

Image credits: Tima Miroshnichenko (not the actual photo)

Image credits: Far-Librarian-4999
The woman refuses to give any money to her mother, considering her addictive past, and keeps her baby, blocking her mom from contacting them
The OP (original poster) is a 34-year-old woman with a past that could make even the toughest among us flinch. Raised by a mom who had her at 17 and battled various addictions, she pretty much had to fend for herself. At 16, she hit the road, couch-surfing at friends’ places until she could snag her own crib. Fast forward to age 25, when she met her prince charming and tied the knot three years later.
The OP’s husband’s family is the complete opposite from hers. They are kind and loving and, yes, quite well-off. The OP has been embraced by them and even calls them Mum and Dad. But the money bit? That was never important to the OP, until one day, when it became the plot twist in our story.
Out of the blue, the OP’s mom, who used to be a substance addict, reappeared in her daughter’s life after a decade of radio silence. And she was not alone, she brought a 2-year-old baby with her, the OP’s little sister. Surprise! Mom had a change-of-life baby, and she wanted to reconnect with her estranged daughter after 10 years. The OP decided to give her mom a chance, hoping she had turned over a new leaf. But old habits really die hard. After just a few visits, mom had a breakdown and asked the OP to take in her little sister, aka mom’s baby.
The OP and her hubby thought it over long and hard. As they had been struggling with fertility for some time, they were actually considering adoption, so they decided to step in and adopt the little girl. They made it official with a lawyer and everything. The in-laws were over the moon. They were so happy and excited about the new baby, they even set up a trust fund for the little one.

Image credits: Anastase Maragos (not the actual photo)
Life seemed peachy, that is until Queen Drama entered the story. During her supervised visits with the baby, the OP’s mom clocked the designer clothes and pricey toys, and it was like someone lit a fuse. She exploded, accusing the OP of hiding their wealth and claiming she would have never had given up her daughter if she’d known about the money. The OP tried to explain to her mom that the money is not hers, but mostly her in-laws’ and that trust issues would have kept her from giving mom cash anyway. The furious mom had a meltdown, calling the OP names and playing the victim card hard.
According to an article on the best ways to deal with family members who ask for money, if you decide that you shouldn’t or are not able to help that person, it’s best to be honest about it. “To that end, explain to your relative why you aren’t able to help. If you hope to communicate that you’re trying to set a boundary with them but they’re in crisis mode at present, consider holding off for now.”
However, if your answer is yes and you are willing and able to help your family member, you should be very clear about your expectations regarding that loan: “If you decide to gift or loan money to a relative, you should be as explicit as possible about the terms. If you’re not able to help them again after this time, tell them that.”
After the confrontation with her mom, the OP was left shocked and stewing in guilt. Her hubby was ready to open the wallet to ease her conscience, but the OP was being cautious. Would the money help or just fuel mom’s old habits? Her mom’s past actions suggested she might not have handled the financial help responsibly. So, the OP, thinking long-term, decided that tough love was the right choice in her situation, refusing to give her mom any money. She was only trying to protect her sister, now baby, and create a stable environment for the little one. However, she couldn’t help but feel guilty about not helping out her mom.
Experts suggest that “Exposure to experiences where people feel a deep sense of fear, no control over the situation, betrayal by a person they trusted, and a lack of safety can have lasting effects on their personality and their responses to stressors.” While everyone responds differently to a traumatic event or period in their lives, the most common feelings that arise from it are shame or guilt. “Guilt can lead to actions that are designed to help ameliorate the feelings associated with the guilt. These can include apologies or attempts to reconcile previous actions with current intent.” So, it is understandable why the OP felt guilty about not giving money to her mother.
This story is a true rollercoaster, and it’s easy to see why the OP was feeling torn. Family can pull us in all directions, and when money’s involved, things get even messier. One thing’s clear, though: the OP’s heart was in the right place, even if her head was spinning.
What’s your take on this family drama? Was the OP a jerk for not telling her estranged mom about having money? Share your nuggets of wisdom in the comment section below.
Netizens side with the woman, saying that the baby is legally hers and the mom had her chance to make things right