A handful of seats still remain in doubt after Labor's crushing third-term victory in the Western Australian election, hampering the Cook government's efforts to get back to work.
Latest counting in Saturday's poll shows Labor has won 42 of 59 seats, the Liberals five and the Nationals four, according to ABC News, with just more than 65 per cent of ballots counted.
The lower house seats of Albany, Fremantle, Kalamunda, Kalgoorie, Murray-Wellington, Pilbara, South Perth and Warren-Blackwood are yet to be decided.
Labor is ahead in four, with the Liberals taking the lead in three seats and the Nationals one.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese was in Perth on Thursday to meet WA Premier Roger Cook.
"I had the opportunity when I arrived here to go see Roger Cook, to congratulate him on what was a thumping victory," he told 6PR radio.
"It's quite an extraordinary result for a third-term government.
"Labor is a good brand here in WA ... they'll get about 46 maybe even a bit more seats in a 59 seat parliament."
Mr Cook on Sunday said he was excited about the next four years and his government would get back to work.
But he's in a holding pattern waiting for the WA electoral commission to finalise the count before his new cabinet can sworn in, which is likely to be late next week.
The commission has been under fire over reports of ballot paper shortages and some voters being turned away from polling booths, with others forced to queue for hours to cast their ballot.

WA Electoral Commissioner Robert Kennedy has announced the claims would be investigated.
Mr Cook has said the long wait times and lack of ballot papers were unacceptable.
Nationals Leader Shane Love called for Mr Kennedy to be suspended and a full parliamentary inquiry into the running of the election.
On Thursday, he demanded Mr Cook explain the cabinet processes behind the decision to use a Singapore-based firm to help run the election.
He said PersolKelly was awarded an $86 million contract and would have a hand in the upcoming federal election.