Telangana BJP leaders, on Wednesday alleged that the ‘nexus’ between the Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS) and the Congress has become apparent in the manner in which leaders of both parties have been “deliberately misinterpreting” Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s comments on the bifurcation of erstwhile united Andhra Pradesh to “mislead the TS people”.
Party president Bandi Sanjay Kumar, speaking from New Delhi, said this was all a “big political drama” enacted only to “divert the attention of people agitating against the unsavoury comments of Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao on the rewriting of the Constitution of India”.
“Has PM Modi opposed Telangana and stalled the bifurcation bill? He only referred to the manner in which the bifurcation was done, while explaining how the people of the country had suffered during the decades of misrule of the Congress Governments,” he said.
The Karimnagar MP wondered why TRS was “feeling the pain” when Congress Government policies were being “exposed” and reminded that the BJP had taken a stand in favour of separate Telangana much before the TRS came into existence.