Residents will be able to make crime reports and access other basic police services at a newly established mobile front office at Gungahlin Police Station.
ACT Policing established the interim service after the Gungahlin Joint Emergency Services Centre was closed last month due to the discovery of lead dust and diesel particulates in a ceiling cavity.
The mobile office will be staffed by police from 8am to 8pm daily and will offer basic front office police services. The public will be able to speak with police, report crimes, and attend for bail requirements.
Additionally, Justice of the Peace services are expected to start there within the coming days.
Police said they expect the facility will be in place until officers can return to the currently closed Gungahlin Police Station.

Speaking on ABC radio on Wednesday, retiring ACT chief police officer Neil Gaughan said he was confident police would be able to return to the Gungahlin station in a matter of weeks or months.