The K.G. Nagar police unearthed an inter-State drug racket and arrested five persons and recovered 506 kg of marijuana worth ₹2 crore.
The accused were caught by a team of police while they were waiting for their customers in an autorickshaw near Kempambudi lake.
Based on a tip-off, the police arrested Nawaz Pasha, Noor Ahmed, Mubarak, Imran Pasha, and Kiran Bangarappa and recovered 66 kg of marijuana concealed under the autorickshaw seats.
A detailed inquiry led them to confess that they were sourcing the drugs from Bhubaneshwar through their source to peddle in the city. The police raided their house in Kengeri and recovered 440 kg of marijuana.
Investigations revealed that the accused would pack the marijuana in backpacks. They would then transport them in autorickshaws to their house in Kengeri, where they would pack it in small packets to sell it to their customers, P. Krishnakant, DCP, south division, said.
In another incident, the Jayanagar police arrested Nayaz Pasha, Sheshagiri and Sagar Saho and recovered 50 kg of marijuana and six kg of hashish oil worth ₹3 crore in total.
Pasha was peddling drugs sourcing it from his contacts Sheshagiri and Sagar, who were from Goppili village in Andhra Pradesh. Based on the information provided by Pasha, a team of police went to Goppili and managed to nab Sheshagiri and Sagar, while two others managed to escape after pelting stones at the police.
City Police Commissioner C.H. Pratap Reddy appreciated the police drive against drug peddlers.