Police seized a £170k Lamborghini after catching a driver behind the wheel with no insurance. The blue Lamborghini Huracan, priced from £170,000 to almost £300,000, was spotted on the M60 near Swinton on Sunday (January 22).
Officers noticed that the registration plate was not recognised on the PNC system, and pulled the driver over on the hard shoulder of the motorway.
Traffic cops then said that the driver was found to be using his friends' car without insurance, and was reported for offences before the supercar was seized.
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Greater Manchester Police's Traffic page shared images of the car on Twitter on Sunday, announcing that the vehicle had been taken by officers under Section S165 of the Road Traffic Act.

The post read: "This Lamborghini Huracan was seen on the M60 near Swinton today with a number plate that didn't exist on PNC. Vehicle stopped and driver found to be using his friends car without insurance. Vehicle seized and driver reported for offences. #GMP #Lamborghini #Seized #S165 @NWmwaypolice."